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Balasubramaniam Guhan v T Hemapriya - CRP (PD)   flag 

[2005] INTNHC 158
High Court of Madras
India - Madras
25th February, 2005

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Air 1998 Ker 95 AIR 1998 Ker 95 India - Kerala circa 1998 flag 1
Gray v Formosa [1962] 3 All ER 419; [1963] P 259 United Kingdom circa 1962 LexisNexis flag 14
Air 1961 Mad 385 AIR 1961 Mad 385 India - Tamil Nadu circa 1961 flag 2
Air 1955 SC 41 AIR 1955 SC 41 Supreme Court of India India circa 1955 flag 4
Central Bank of India v Ram Narain [1954] INSC 88; [1955] 1 SCR 697; AIR 1955 SC 36 Supreme Court of India India 12 Oct 1954 LIIofIndia flag 7
Air 1941 Pat 109 AIR 1941 Pat 109 India - Bihar circa 1941 flag 2
Re Grove [1888] UKLawRpCh 154; (1888) 40 Ch D 216; 4 TLR 762 United Kingdom 7 Aug 1888 CommonLII flag 24
Doucet v Geogbegan [1878] UKLawRpCh 223; 9 Ch D 441 Court of Chancery United Kingdom 28 Jun 1878 CommonLII flag 10
958 Mad 203 958 Mad 203 India circa 1955 flag 1

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