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Commissioner of Wealth-tax, Patiala v Mrs Manjit Kaur - WTR-9-1999   flag 

[2006] INPBHC 10201
High Court of Punjab and Haryana
9th November, 2006

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
CIT v Hindustan Housing Board and Land Development Trust Ltd 161 ITR 524 17
CWT v Anjamli Khan (Smt) (1991) 187 ITR 345 circa 1991 3
(1986) 157 Itr 555 (1986) 157 ITR 555 circa 1986 1
Commissioner of Wealth Tax v UCMehatab (1998) 231 ITR 501 circa 1998 9
(1995) 211 Itr 792 (1995) 211 ITR 792 circa 1995 1
Pandit Lakshmi Kant Jha Vs Commissioner of Wealth-Tax, Bihar and Orrissa (1973) 90 ITR 97 circa 1973 5
Mrs Khorshed Shappor Chenai v Assistant Controller of Estate Duty, AP (1980) 122 ITR 21 circa 1980 8
(1985) 152 Itr 128 (1985) 152 ITR 128 circa 1985 1
(1993) 203 Itr 837 (1993) 203 ITR 837 circa 1993 1

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