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M/S Bharat Coking Coal Ltd v Rashtriya Colliery Mazdoor Sangh   flag 

[2006] INSC 23
Supreme Court of India
16th January, 2006

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name †  Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Air India Statutory Corpn v United Labour Union (1997) 9 SCC 377 circa 1997 41
Daily Rated Casual Labour Employed Under P & t Department v Union of India [1987] INSC 297; 1988 1 SCR 598; 1987 4 JT 164; 1987 2 SCALE 844; 1988 1 SCC 122; AIR 1987 SC 2342 Supreme Court of India India 27 Oct 1987 LIIofIndia flag 7
Delhi Development Horticulture Employees' Union (supra) and JT (2003) 4 SCC 27; 2003 3 SC 436; [2003] Lloyds Rep 470 United Kingdom - Scotland circa 2003 Westlaw flag 47
KP Madhavankutty (supra) AIR 2000 SC 839; (2000) 2 SCC 455 Supreme Court of India India circa 2000 flag 36
Messrs Shalimar Works Ltd v Their Workmen [1959] INSC 74; 1960 1 SCR 150; AIR 1959 SC 1217 Supreme Court of India India 8 May 1959 LIIofIndia flag 9
Nedungadi Bank Ltd v KP Madhavankutty AIR 2000 SC 839; (2000) 2 SCC 455 circa 2000
Nitinkumar Nathalal Joshi v Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd (2002) 3 SCC 433 circa 2002 4
United Labour Union AIR 1997 SC 645 Supreme Court of India India circa 1997 flag 14
Workers Manu/SC/0515/2001 (2001) 7 SCC 1; AIR 2001 SC 3527 Supreme Court of India India circa 2001 flag 85
7 SCC 1 7 SCC 1 circa 2003 35
1999 2 SCC 435 1999 2 SCC 435 circa 1999 1

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