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Upasena And 8 Others v Attorney General - SLR - 272, Vol 3 of 2006   flag 

[2006] LKCA 79; (2006) 3 Sri LR 272
Sri Lankan Court of Appeal
Sri Lanka
23rd August, 2006

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
[1985] Rajasthan Law Weekly 490 [1985] Rajasthan Law Weekly 490 Rajasthan Law Weekly India - Rajasthan circa 1985 flag 1
King v Endoris - NLR - 498 of 46 [1945] LKSC 5; (1945) 46 NLR 498 Sri Lankan Supreme Court Sri Lanka 29 Oct 1945 AsianLII flag 4
1979 1 SCJ 194 1979 1 SCJ 194 Supreme Court of Canada Canada circa 1979 flag 1
1 SCJ 157 1 SCJ 157 Supreme Court of Canada Canada circa 1945 flag 2
(1946) 47 NLR 373 (1946) 47 NLR 373 Sri Lanka circa 1946 flag 4
King v Assappu1)[1 (1948) 50 NLR 324 Sri Lanka circa 1948 flag 9
76 NLR 534 76 NLR 534 Sri Lanka circa 1945 flag 3
[1984] Sim LL circa 1984
Q v Vincent Fernando (1963) 65 NLR 265 Sri Lanka circa 1963 flag 6
Mahatun 61 NLR 540 Sri Lanka circa 1945 flag 5
AKRoy v Union of India [1982] SC 710; (1982) 1 SCR 271 United Kingdom - Scotland circa 1982 flag 46
[1985-1] CRLR 404 [1985-1] CRLR 404 circa 1985 1

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