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Verma Tractors v UP & Others - WRIT TAX   flag 

[2007] INUPHC 6914
High Court of Judicature at Allahabad
16th April, 2007

Legislation Cited

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Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Air 2000 SC 1161 AIR 2000 SC 1161 Supreme Court of India India circa 2000 flag 2
Air 1998 SC 3055 AIR 1998 SC 3055 Supreme Court of India India circa 1998 flag 5
TVL Kakanwar and Co v TN AIR 1998 SC 518 Supreme Court of India India circa 1998 flag 2
Telangana Steel Industries v a P [1994] INSC 160; 1994 1 SCALE 884; 1994 2 SCC Supl 259 Supreme Court of India India 4 Mar 1994 LIIofIndia flag 2
Air 1976 SC 800 AIR 1976 SC 800 Supreme Court of India India circa 1976 flag 9
[1976] SCC (Tax) 102 [1976] SCC (Tax) 102; (1976) 3 SCR 168; (1976) 1 SCC 834 Supreme Court of India India circa 1976 flag 3
A Hajee Abdul Shakoor and Co v Madras [1964] INSC 155; (1964) 8 SCR 217; AIR 1964 SC 1729 Supreme Court of India India 7 May 1964 LIIofIndia flag 13

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