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"The Judicial Process: Realism, Pragmatism, Practical Reasoning and Principles, by E W Thomas"   flag 

(2007) 11 Otago Law Review 539
Jamieson, Nigel
Otago Law Review
New Zealand

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Lai v Chamberlains [2006] NZSC 70; [2007] 2 NZLR 7 Supreme Court of New Zealand New Zealand 11 Sep 2006 NZLII flag 177
"I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing (In Perfect Harmony): International Judicial Dialogue and the Muses - Reflections of the Perils and the Promise of International Judicial Dialogue" (2006) 104 Michigan Law Review 1321 Michigan Law Review United States 1 Jan 2006 WorldLII flag 3
"Portia, Bassanio or Dick the Butcher? Constraining Judges in the Twenty-First Century" (2006) 17 Kings College Law Journal 1 King's College Law Journal United Kingdom circa 2006 HeinOnline flag 4
"The Ubiquitous Book Review" (2006) 17 Law and Critique 201 Law and Critique circa 2006 1
"Reinventing Jurisprudential Wheels - A Plea for Jurisprudentia Perennis" (2006) 11 Otago Law Review 263 Otago Law Review New Zealand circa 2006 NZLII flag 1
D'Orta-Ekenaike v Victoria Legal Aid [2005] HCA 12; (2005) 223 CLR 1; (2005) 214 ALR 92; (2005) 79 ALJR 755; [2005] Aust Torts Reports 81-784 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 10 Mar 2005 AustLII flag 851
Lai v Chamberlains [2005] 3 NZLR 291 New Zealand circa 2005 LexisNexis flag 21
"A Love of Justice: The Legal and Political Thought of William Godwin" (2004) 25 Journal of Legal History 1 Journal of Legal History United Kingdom circa 2004 flag 1
Attorney-General v Ngati Apa [2003] NZCA 117; [2003] 3 NZLR 643 Court of Appeal of New Zealand New Zealand 19 Jun 2003 NZLII flag 191
Arthur JS Hall and Co v Simons [2002] 1 AC 615 United Kingdom circa 2002 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 305
"Foreword: On Academic Fads And Fashions" (2001) 99 Michigan Law Review 1251 Michigan Law Review United States circa 2001 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 1
Lewis v Attorney-General of Jamaica [2000] UKPC 35; [2001] 2 AC 50; [2000] 3 WLR 1785; (2000) 57 WIR 275 Privy Council United Kingdom 12 Sep 2000 BAILII flag 73
"Invisible Hand in Justice Thoma's Philosophy of Law, The" (1999) 1999 New Zealand Law Review 213 New Zealand Law Review New Zealand circa 1999 HeinOnline / Informit / LexisNexis flag 1
Sharp v Thomson [1997] SC (HL) 66; [1997] SCLR 328; [1997] SLT 636 House of Lords United Kingdom - Scotland circa 1997 flag 44
"Civil Law, Civil Society, and the Russian Constitution" (1994) 110 Law Quarterly Review 56 Law Quarterly Review United Kingdom circa 1994 Westlaw flag 1
"A Return to Principle in Judicial Reasoning and An Acclamation of Judicial Autonomy" [1993] New Zealand Law Journal 320 New Zealand Law Journal New Zealand circa 1993 flag 1
"A Polite Response to Mr Justice Thomas" (1993) 23 Victoria University of Wellington Law Review 125 Victoria University of Wellington Law Review New Zealand circa 1993 HeinOnline / Westlaw flag 2
"Law and Geometry: Legal Science from Leibniz to Langdell" (1986) 30 American Journal of Legal History 99 American Journal of Legal History United States circa 1986 HeinOnline / Westlaw flag 1
"Legal Modernism" (1986) 84 Michigan Law Review 1656 Michigan Law Review United States circa 1986 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 1
"Alexander Bickel ’ s Philosophy of Prudence" (1985) 94 Yale Law Journal 1567 Yale Law Journal United States circa 1985 HeinOnline / Westlaw flag 3
"Criticising the Judges" (1982) 28 McGill Law Journal 1 McGill Law Journal Canada circa 1982 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 2
"Economic Analysis of Law: Some Realism About Nominalism" (1974) 60 Virginia Law Review 451 Virginia Law Review United States circa 1974 LexisNexis flag 7
"The Ambiguity of Judicial Review: A Response to Professor Bickel" [1970] Duke Law Journal 591 Duke Law Journal United States circa 1970 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 1
Ross v McCarthy [1970] NZLR 449 New Zealand circa 1970 LexisNexis flag 12
"Here Lies the Common Law: Rest in Peace" (1967) 30 Modern Law Review 241 Modern Law Review United Kingdom circa 1967 HeinOnline flag 4
Re the Ninety-Mile Beach [1963] NZLR 46 New Zealand circa 1963 LexisNexis flag 1
(1951) 60 Yale Law Journal 200 (1951) 60 Yale Law Journal 200 Yale Law Journal United States circa 1951 HeinOnline / Westlaw flag 1
Searle v Wallbank [1947] AC 341; [1947] 1 All ER 12; 176 LT 104; [1947] LJR 258; 63 TLR 24 United Kingdom circa 1947 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 51
Dering v Earl of Winchelsea [1775-1802] All ER 140; (1787) 1 Cox Eq Cas 318; 29 ER 1184 United Kingdom circa 1775 LexisNexis flag 152
"The Subtle Vices of the ‘ Passive Virtues ’ – a Comment on Principle and Expediency in Judicial Review" 64 Columbia Law Review 1 Columbia Law Review United States circa 2006 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 10

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