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Club Havanna v Attorney General (MAHLB-000576-08)   flag 

[2008] BWHC 321
High Court of Botswana
15th December, 2008

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text †  Citation Index
Andrews v Law Society of British Columbia [1989] CanLII 2 (SCC); [1989] 1 SCR 143 Supreme Court of Canada Canada 2 Feb 1989 CanLII flag 101
FedSure Life Assurance Ltd v Greater Johannesburg Transitional Metropolitan Council 1999 1 SA 374 South Africa circa 1999 LexisNexis flag 297
Prinsloo v Van der Linde [1997] ZACC 5; 1997 3 SA 1012 Constitutional Court of South Africa South Africa 18 Apr 1997 SAFLII flag 163
S v Zuma [1995] ZACC 1; (1995) 2 SA 642; 1995 1 SACR 568; [1996] 2 CHRLD 244 Constitutional Court of South Africa South Africa 5 Apr 1995 SAFLII flag 328
Investigating Directorare: Serious Economic Offences v Hyundai Motor Distributors (Pty) Ltd (2000) 10 BCLR 1079 Canada - British Columbia circa 2000 flag 31
Attorney General v Dow [1992] BLR 119 circa 1992 31

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