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Chief Engineer, Hydel Project v Ravinder Nath   flag 

[2008] INSC 85
Supreme Court of India
24th January, 2008

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Gujarat Agricultural Univesity Vs Rathod Labhu Bechar 2001 1 RSJ 770 IN circa 2001 1
Supreme Court of India v Cynamide India Ltd AIR 1987 SC 1801 Supreme Court of India India circa 1987 flag 1
3 SCR 662; Air 1969 SC 78 3 SCR 662; AIR 1969 SC 78 Supreme Court of India India circa 1969 flag 4
1 SCR 117; Air 1954 SC 340 1 SCR 117; AIR 1954 SC 340 Supreme Court of India India circa 1954 flag 3
12 SCC 404 12 SCC 404 circa 1987 1
11 SCC 692 11 SCC 692 circa 1987 1
7 SCC 791 7 SCC 791 10
7 SCC 447 7 SCC 447 7
5 SCC 74 5 SCC 74 2
3 SCC 582 3 SCC 582 6
2 SCC 542 2 SCC 542 5
2 SCC 355 2 SCC 355 4
2 SCC 34 2 SCC 34 4
1 SCR 461 1 SCR 461 3
1 SCC 496 1 SCC 496 14

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