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Jordan and Vance v o'Sullivan HC WN Civ 2004-485-002611   flag 

[2008] NZHC 679
High Court of New Zealand
New Zealand
13th May, 2008

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Companies Act 1955 (Vic)

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name †  Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
(1988) 4 NZCLC 64,317 (1988) 4 NZCLC 64,317 New Zealand circa 1988 flag 21
Benchmark Building Supplies Ltd v Jackson (2001) 9 NZCLC 262,612 New Zealand circa 2001 flag 3
Fatupaito v Bates [2001] NZHC 401; [2001] 3 NZLR 386; (2001) 9 NZCLC 262,583 High Court of New Zealand New Zealand 23 May 2001 NZLII flag 47
Goatlands Ltd (in liquidation) v Borrell HC Auckland CIV 2007-404 [2006] NZHC 1576; (2006) 3 NZCCLR 726; (2007) 23 NZTC 21,107 High Court of New Zealand New Zealand 14 Dec 2006 NZLII flag 18
Hilltop Group Ltd (in liq), Re; Lawrnece v Jacobson (2001) 9 NZCLC 262,477 New Zealand circa 2001 flag 5
Horsley & Weight Ltd, Re [1982] Ch 442; [1982] 3 All ER 1045; [1982] 3 WLR 431 Court of Chancery United Kingdom circa 1982 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 35
Kinsela v Russell Kinsela Pty Ltd (in liq) (1986) 4 NSWLR 722; (1986) 10 ACLR 395; (1986) 4 ACLC 215 Australia - New South Wales circa 1986 LexisNexis AU flag 203
Lower v Traveller [2005] NZCA 187; [2005] 3 NZLR 479; (2005) 9 NZCLC 263,889; (2005) 2 NZCCLR 283 Court of Appeal of New Zealand New Zealand 26 Jul 2005 NZLII flag 53
Lower v Traveller [2005] NZSC 79 Supreme Court of New Zealand New Zealand 2 Dec 2005 NZLII flag 5
Mason v Lewis [2006] NZCA 55; [2006] 3 NZLR 225; (2006) 9 NZCLC 264,024 Court of Appeal of New Zealand New Zealand 30 Mar 2006 NZLII flag 99
Nicholson v Permakraft (NZ) Ltd [1985] NZCA 15; [1985] 1 NZLR 242 Court of Appeal of New Zealand New Zealand 14 Mar 1985 NZLII flag 107
Nippon Express (New Zealand) Ltd v Woodward (1998) 8 NZCLC 261,765 New Zealand circa 1998 flag 13
Ocean Boulevard Properties Ltd v Everest (2000) 8 NZCLC 262,289 New Zealand circa 2000 flag 5
Re South Pacific Shipping Ltd (in liq) (2004) 9 NZCLC 263,570 New Zealand circa 2004 flag 31
Sojourner v Robb [2006] NZHC 1676; [2006] 3 NZLR 808; (2006) 2 NZCCLR 1166; (2006) 9 NZCLC 264,108 High Court of New Zealand New Zealand 4 Jul 2006 NZLII flag 49
Sojourner v Robb [2007] NZCA 493; [2008] 1 NZLR 751; [2008] NZCCLR 8 Court of Appeal of New Zealand New Zealand 12 Nov 2007 NZLII flag 63
Sycotex Pty Ltd v Baseler [1994] FCA 1117; (1994) 51 FCR 425; (1994) 122 ALR 531; (1994) 13 ACSR 766; 12 ACLC 494 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 26 May 1994 AustLII flag 122
Thompson v Innes (1985) 2 NZCLC 99,463 New Zealand circa 1985 flag 15
Wait Investments Ltd (in liquidation) HC Auckland M1384/94 [1997] NZHC 1879; [1997] 3 NZLR 96; (1997) 8 NZCLC 261,384 High Court of New Zealand New Zealand 11 Mar 1997 NZLII flag 15
West Mercia Safetywear Ltd v Dodd [1988] BCLC 250; [1988] BCC 30 United Kingdom circa 1988 LexisNexis flag 89
2 AC 172 2 AC 172 United Kingdom circa 1997 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 1

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