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"A Pluralist Approach to International Law"
32 Yale Journal of International Law 301
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(2002) 69 University of Chicago Law Review 191
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(2002) 69 University of Chicago Law Review 135
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"An Economic Analysis Of The Consumer Bankruptcy Crisis"
(2005) 99 Northwestern University Law Review 1463
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(2006) 81 Indiana Law Journal 141
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"Anchoring, Information, Expertise, and Negotiation: New Insights from Meta-Analysis"
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"Antitrust Around The World: An Empirical Analysis Of The Scope Of Competition Laws And Their Effects"
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(2006) 39 Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 1117
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"Beyond The Enforcement Principle: Sodomy Laws, Social Norms, And Social Panoptics"
89 California Law Review 643
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45 Virginia Journal of International Law 631
Virginia Journal of International Law
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(2002) 53 Journal of Legal Education 311
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"Do BITs Really Work: An Evaluation of Bilateral Investment Treaties and Their Grand Bargain"
46 Harvard International Law Journal 67
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"From "See You in Court!" to "See You in Geneva!": An Empirical Study of the Role of Social Norms in International Trade Dispute Resolution"
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"Global Legal Pluralism"
(2007) 80 Southern California Law Review 1155
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"How to Influence States: Socialization and International Human Rights Law"
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"Is There A Better Way? Alternative Methods Of Treaty-Based, Investor-State Dispute Resolution"
(2007) 31 Fordham International Law Journal 138
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"Judicial Independence in International Tribunals"
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"On The Effective Communication Of The Results Of Empirical Studies, Part I"
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"Path Dependence In The Law: The Course And Pattern Of Legal Change In A Common Law System"
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34 Journal of Legal Studies 557
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"Seeing Beyond the Limits of International Law"
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"The Empirical Dilemma Of International Law"
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(2003) 70 University of Chicago Law Review 167
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"The Role Of Qualifications In The Confirmation Of Nominees To The US Supreme Court"
(2005) 32 Florida State University Law Review 1145
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"The Rules of Inference"
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"Why States Create International Tribunals: A Response To Professors Posner And Yoo"
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Antilegalistic Approaches to Resolving Disputes Between Governments: A Comparison of the International Tax and Trade Regimes
23 Yale Journal of International Law 79
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Calvin A Hamilton & Paula I Rochwerger, Trade and Investment: Foreign Direct Investment Through Bilateral and Multilateral Treaties
18 New York International Law Review 1
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Chandler v Florida
499 US 560
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Daniel Klerman, Nonpromotion and Judicial Independence
72 Southern California Law Review 455
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James Edward Maule, Instant Replay, Weak Teams, and Disputed Calls: An Empirical Study of Alleged Tax Court Judge Bias
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Jurisdictional Competition for Trust Funds: An Empirical Analysis of Perpetuities and Taxes
(2005) 115 Yale Law Journal 356
Yale Law Journal
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1 Jan 2005
Kenneth Kelly, Empirical Analysis for Antitrust and International Trade Law
61 University of Cincinnati Law Review 889
University of Cincinnati Law Review
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Lawrence Friedman, The Law and Society Movement
38 Stanford Law Review 763
Stanford Law Review
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Lisa Bernstein & Daniel Klerman, An Economic Analysis of Mary Carter Settlement Agreements
83 Georgetown Law Journal 2215
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McCleskey v Kemp
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Retrospect and Prospect
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Ryan Goodman, The Difference Law Makes: Research Design, Institutional Design, and Human Rights
98 American Society of International Law Proceedings 198
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Tariffs and Trade
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World Bank and the Internalization of Indigenous Rights Norms
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Zachary Elkins, Andrew T Guzman & Beth A Simmons, Competing for Capital: The Diffusion of Bilateral Investment Treaties
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30 Yale Journal of International Law 125
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31 Indiana Law Review 125
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103 Yale Law Journal 2391
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