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[2010] HKCA 404 (27 October 2010)   flag 

[2010] HKCA 404
Hong Kong Court of Appeal
Hong Kong
27th October, 2010

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text †  Citation Index
9999u16a 6e2fu16a 7279u16a 5225u16a 884cu16a 653fu16a 5340u16a 8a34u16a 674eu16a 9577u16a 5229u16a [2005] HKCA 678; [2005] 1 HKLRD 864 Hong Kong Court of Appeal Hong Kong 4 Mar 2005 HKLII flag 92
Secretary for Security v Sakthevel Prabakar [2004] HKCFA 43; (2004) 7 HKCFAR 187; [2005] 1 HKLRD 289 Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal Hong Kong 8 Jun 2004 HKLII flag 1257
R v So Man King [1989] 1 HKLR 142 Hong Kong circa 1989 Westlaw flag 2
R v Nguyen Van Doan & Others [1997] 3 HKC 594 Hong Kong circa 1997 flag 8
A (Torture Claimant) v Director of Immigration [2008] 4 HKLRD 752; [2008] 4 HKC 151 Hong Kong circa 2008 flag 65
Secretary for Justice v Ho Mei Wa & Another [2004] 3 HKLRD 270 Hong Kong circa 2004 flag 22
Iqbal Shahid v Secretary for Justice [2009] 5 HKC 393 Hong Kong circa 2009 flag 7
Iqbal Shahid v Secretary for Justice [2010] 4 HKLRD 12; [2010] 5 HKC 51 Hong Kong circa 2010 flag 16

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