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NK Sethi, Aged 59 years v Indian Trade Promotion Organization - Case   flag 

[2011] INCAT 3808
Indian Central Administrative Tribunal
28th November, 2011

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) †  Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
M v Bijlani v Union of India (2006) 5 SCC 88 circa 2006 49
1983 3 SCC 258 1983 3 SCC 258 circa 1983 1
900 US 13 900 US 13 United States Supreme Court United States circa 2006 Westlaw flag 1
800 US 350 800 US 350 United States Supreme Court United States circa 2006 Westlaw flag 1
400 US 1500 400 US 1500 United States Supreme Court United States circa 2006 Westlaw flag 1
200 US 1200 200 US 1200 United States Supreme Court United States circa 2006 Westlaw flag 1
200 US 300 200 US 300 United States Supreme Court United States Westlaw flag 1
4 SCC 154 4 SCC 154 19

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