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- Alexander Forbes Group Namibia (Pty) Ltd v Ahren (LC 75/2010)   flag 

[2011] NALC 1
Labour Court of Namibia
6th January, 2011

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
HN v Government of the Republic of Namibia 2009 2 NR 752 Canada circa 2009 flag 3
Bergmann v Commercial Bank of Namibia Ltd [2001] NR 48 Canada circa 2001 flag 53
Transnamib Ltd v Poolman [1999] NR 399 Canada circa 1999 flag 1
Nampesca (SA) Products (Pty) Ltd v Zaderer 1999 1 SA 886 South Africa circa 1999 LexisNexis flag 32
Coin Security Namibia (Pty) Ltd v Jacobs [1996] NR 279 Canada circa 1996 flag 7
Rawlins v Caravantruck (Pty) Ltd [1992] ZASCA 204; 1993 1 SA 537; [1993] 1 All SA 389 Supreme Court of Appeal of South Africa South Africa 24 Nov 1992 SAFLII flag 148
Sibex Engineering Services (Pty) Ltd v Van Wyk 1991 2 SA 482; [1991] 4 All SA 262 South Africa circa 1991 LexisNexis flag 107
Sunshine Records (Pty) Ltd v Frohling 1990 4 SA 782; [1990] 1 All SA 8 South Africa circa 1990 LexisNexis flag 60
Salt v Smith [1990] NR 87 Canada circa 1990 flag 35
Schultz v Butt [1986] ZASCA 47; 1986 3 SA 667; [1986] 2 All SA 403 Supreme Court of Appeal of South Africa South Africa 15 May 1986 SAFLII flag 85
Recycling Industries (Pty) Ltd v Mohammed 1981 3 SA 250 South Africa circa 1981 LexisNexis flag 20
LF Boshoff Investments (Pty) Ltd v Cape Town Municipality 1969 2 SA 256; [1969] 1 All SA 430 South Africa circa 1969 LexisNexis flag 126
(Vacher & Sons Ltd v London Society of Compositors [1913] AC 107 United Kingdom circa 1913 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 121
Magna Alloys and Research (SA) (Pty) Ltd v Ellis 984 SA 874 South Africa circa 1969 LexisNexis flag 1

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