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Satish Mehra v NCT of Delhi and Anr   flag 

[2012] INSC 702
Supreme Court of India
22nd November, 2012

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Padal Venkata Rama Reddy Alias Ramu v Kovvuri Satyanarayana Reddy (2011) 12 SCC 437 circa 2011 5
Karnataka v L Muniswami [1977] INSC 75; (1977) 2 SCC 699; [1977] SCC (Cri) 404; 1977 3 SCR 113; AIR 1977 SC 1489 Supreme Court of India India 3 Mar 1977 LIIofIndia flag 103
482 Cr PC 1973 482 Cr PC 1973 circa 1973 7
Century Spinning and Manufacturing Co Ltd Vs Maharashtra AIR 1972 SC 545; [1972] SCC (Cri) 495; (1972) 3 SCC 282 Supreme Court of India India circa 1972 flag 10
Air 1960 SC 866 AIR 1960 SC 866 Supreme Court of India India circa 1960 flag 81

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