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"'They Took our Flag!' Why Decision-makers in Northern Ireland Should View Mnemonic Emblems as 'Cultural Easement' in International Law"   flag 

(2014) 13 Macquarie Law Journal 79
Diver, Alice
Macquarie Law Journal

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Northern Ireland Act 1998

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) †  Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
"What Does Indigenous Participatory Democracy Look Like?" (2013) 18 Review of Constitutional Studies 112 Review of Constitutional Studies Canada circa 2013 flag 1
(2012) 67 International Journal 391 (2012) 67 International Journal 391 International Journal Canada circa 2012 HeinOnline flag 1
"Mediation, Political Engagement and Peacebuilding" (2010) 16 Global Governance 243 Global Governance United States circa 2010 HeinOnline flag 1
"The Paradoxes Oe Cultural Property" (2007) 107 Columbia Law Review 2004 Columbia Law Review United States circa 2004 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 2
"The John W Holmes Lecture: Building Peace" (2007) 13 Global Governance 1 Global Governance United States circa 2007 HeinOnline flag 1
"Reconciling Freedom of Expression and Flag Desecration: A Comparative Study" (2006) 2 Hanse Law Review 141 Hanse Law Review Germany circa 2006 flag 1
(2005) 2440 Unts 346 (2005) 2440 UNTS 346 International circa 2005 flag 1
""A Just War": Protecting Indigenous Cultural Property" (2004) 6 (4) Indigenous Law Bulletin 43 Indigenous Law Bulletin Australia circa 2004 Informit flag 1
(2003) 2368 Unts 35 (2003) 2368 UNTS 35 International circa 2003 flag 2
"Deliberative Democracy and Minorities" (2003) 14 (3) European Journal of International Law 507 European Journal of International Law United Kingdom circa 2003 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 1
"Protecting the Rights of Indigenous Cultures under the Current Intellectual Property System: Is It A Good Idea?" (2003) 3 John Marshall Review of Intellectual Property Law 88 John Marshall Review of Intellectual Property Law United States circa 2003 Westlaw flag 1
Kitkatla Band v British Columbia (Minister of Small Business, Tourism and Culture) [2002] SCC 31; [2002] 2 SCR 146 Supreme Court of Canada Canada 28 Mar 2002 Supreme Court of Canada flag 13
"Frozen Rights in Canada: Constitutional Interpretation and the Trickster" (1998) 22 American Indian Law Review 37 American Indian Law Review United States circa 1998 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 4
R v Seward [1998] 3 CNLR 237 Canada circa 1998 flag 2
Delgamuukw v British Columbia [1997] 3 SCR 1010; (1997) 153 DLR (4th) 193 Supreme Court of Canada Canada 11 Dec 1997 Supreme Court of Canada flag 166
"The Whisper: Reflections on Flags, Monuments, and State Holidays, and the Construction of Social Meaning in a Multicultural Society" (1995) 70 Chicago-Kent Law Review 1079 Chicago-Kent Law Review United States circa 1995 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 1
"On Turning the Flag into a Sacred Object" (1995) 37 Journal of Church and State 741 Journal of Church and State United States circa 1995 HeinOnline flag 1
"Cultural Ownership and Intellectual Property Rights Post-Mabo: Putting Ideas into Action" (1995) 9 Intellectual Property Journal 293 Intellectual Property Journal Canada circa 1995 Westlaw flag 1
"Driving Dixie Down: Removing the Confederate Flag from Southern State Capitols" (1991) 101 Yale Law Journal 505 Yale Law Journal United States circa 1991 HeinOnline / Westlaw flag 1
(1989) 1650 Unts 383 (1989) 1650 UNTS 383 International circa 1989 flag 24
"s Flag a Sacred Symbol" (1989) 31 Journal of Church and State 375 Journal of Church and State United States circa 1989 HeinOnline flag 1
Mohawk Bands v Glenbow-Alberta Institution 1988 3 CNLR 70 Canada circa 1988 flag 2
"Two Ways of Thinking about Cultural Property" (1986) 80 American Journal of International Law 831 American Journal of International Law United States circa 1986 HeinOnline / Westlaw flag 3
(1970) 823 Unts 232 (1970) 823 UNTS 232 International circa 1970 flag 3
Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict 1954 (1956) 249 UNTS 240 International circa 1956 flag 14

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