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Liang and Secretary, Department of Social Services   flag 

[2015] AATA 97
Administrative Appeals Tribunal
23rd February, 2015

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Social Security Act 1991 (Cth) s8, s55, s1064
Veterans' Entitlements Act 1986 (Cth) s46AA, s46AB

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Secretary to the Department of Family and Community Services v Rolley [2000] FCA 806; (2000) 175 ALR 4; (2000) 4 (5) SSR 67 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 20 Jun 2000 AustLII flag 17
Harris v Director-General of Social Security [1985] HCA 1; (1985) 57 ALR 729; (1985) 7 ALD 277; (1985) 59 ALJR 194 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 5 Feb 1985 AustLII flag 81

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