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Martin v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection   flag 

[2017] FCAFC 118
Federal Court of Australia
Australia - Commonwealth
8th August, 2017

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Judiciary Act 1903 (Cth) s39B
Migration Act 1958 (Cth) s501, s501CA
Federal Court Rules 2011 (Cth) s39.32

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Minister for Immigration and Border Protection v Tesic [2017] FCAFC 93; (2017) 251 FCR 23; (2017) 350 ALR 47 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 7 Jun 2017 AustLII flag 35
Martin v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection [2017] FCA 1 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 3 Jan 2017 AustLII flag 5
Tesic v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection [2016] FCA 1465 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 7 Dec 2016 AustLII flag 21
Plaintiff M64/2015 v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection [2015] HCA 50; (2015) 258 CLR 173; (2015) 327 ALR 8; (2015) 148 ALD 206; (2015) 90 ALJR 197 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 17 Dec 2015 AustLII flag 839
VUAX v Minister for Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs [2004] FCAFC 158; (2004) 238 FCR 588 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 15 Jun 2004 AustLII flag 635
Branir Pty Ltd v Owston Nominees (No 2) Pty Ltd (2001) 117 FCR 424 Federal Court of Australia Australia circa 2001 Legal Online / Westlaw flag 568
O ’ Brien v Komesaroff [1982] HCA 33; (1982) 150 CLR 310; 41 ALR 255; 56 ALJR 681 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 21 May 1982 AustLII flag 703

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