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Australian Competition and Consumer Commissioner v Ramsay Health Care Australia Pty Ltd   flag  3

[2020] FCA 308; 380 ALR 300; (2020) 143 ACSR 333
Federal Court of Australia
Australia - Commonwealth
12th March, 2020

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Sanchez and National Disability Insurance Agency [2024] AATA 3441 Administrative Appeals Tribunal Australia 30 Sep 2024 AustLII flag
Epic Games, Inc v Google LLC [2022] FCA 66; (2022) 399 ALR 119 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 4 Feb 2022 AustLII flag 1

Law Journal Articles Referring to this Case

Journal Article Title Citation(s) Author Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
"It Ain't Necessarily So: Australian Competition and Consumer Commission v Pfizer Australia Pty Ltd and the Reasons for Reforming s 36 of the Commerce Act" [2020] VUWLawRw 11 Scott, Paul G New Zealand circa 2020 NZLII flag

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) s46, s47
Evidence Act 1995 (Cth) s128, s135, s136, s140, s155, s167
Federal Court Rules 2011 (Cth) s39.32
Trade Practices Act 1974 (Cth) s52
Private Health Facilities Act 2007 (NSW)

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Australian Competition and Consumer Commission v Australian Institute of Professional Education Pty Ltd (in liq) (No 2) [2018] FCA 1459 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 21 Sep 2018 AustLII flag 7
Australian Competition and Consumer Commission v Pfizer Australia Pty Ltd [2018] FCAFC 78; (2018) 356 ALR 582 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 25 May 2018 AustLII flag 13
DPP v Hague [2018] VSCA 39 Supreme Court of Victoria - Court of Appeal Australia - Victoria 26 Feb 2018 AustLII flag 14
Australian Competition and Consumer Commission v Flight Centre Travel Group Ltd [2016] HCA 49; (2016) 261 CLR 203; 339 ALR 242; (2016) 91 ALJR 143 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 14 Dec 2016 AustLII flag 26
Australian Competition and Consumer Commission v Little Co of Mary Health Care Ltd [2015] FCA 1144 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 26 Oct 2015 AustLII flag 2
Australian Competition and Consumer Commission v Cement Australia Pty Ltd [2013] FCA 909; (2013) 310 ALR 165 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 10 Sep 2013 AustLII flag 15
Australian Competition and Consumer Commission v Air New Zealand Ltd (No 10) [2013] FCA 322 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 11 Apr 2013 AustLII flag 6
Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) v Air New Zealand Ltd (No 7) [2013] FCA 83; (2013) 209 FCR 361; (2013) 301 ALR 392 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 18 Feb 2013 AustLII flag 9
Kuhl v Zurich Financial Services Australia Ltd (2011) 243 CLR 361; (2011) 276 ALR 375; (2011) 85 ALJR 533; [2011] Aust Torts Reports 82-088 Australia - Commonwealth 4 May 2011 AustLII flag 482
La Trobe Capital & Mortgage Corporation Ltd v Hay Property Consultants Pty Ltd [2011] FCAFC 4; (2011) 190 FCR 299; (2011) 273 ALR 774 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 19 Jan 2011 AustLII flag 68
Kuhl v Zurich Financial Services Australia Ltd [2011] HCA 11 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth circa 2011 AustLII flag 378
Seven Network Ltd v News Ltd [2009] FCAFC 166; (2009) 182 FCR 160; (2009) 262 ALR 160; [2009] ATPR 42-301 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 2 Dec 2009 AustLII flag 94
Seven Network Ltd v News Ltd (No 8) [2005] FCA 1348; (2005) 224 ALR 317 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 22 Sep 2005 AustLII flag 38
NT Power Generation Pty Ltd v Power and Water Authority [2004] HCA 98 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth circa 2004 AustLII flag 1
Rural Press Ltd v Australian Competition and Consumer Commission [2003] HCA 75; (2003) 216 CLR 53; [2003] ATPR 41-965; 78 ALJR 274; (2003) 203 ALR 217 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 11 Dec 2003 AustLII flag 349
Universal Music Australia Pty Ltd v Australian Competition and Consumer Commission [2003] FCAFC 193; (2003) 131 FCR 529; 57 IPR 353; [2003] ATPR 41-947; 201 ALR 636 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 22 Aug 2003 AustLII flag 90
News Ltd v South Sydney District Rugby League Football Club Ltd [2003] HCA 45; (2003) 215 CLR 563; 200 ALR 157; (2003) 77 ALJR 1515; [2003] ATPR 41-943; [2003] Aust Contract Reports 90-176 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 13 Aug 2003 AustLII flag 142
Australian Competition and Consumer Commission v Australian Safeway Stores Pty Ltd [2003] FCAFC 149; (2003) 129 FCR 339; (2003) 198 ALR 657; [2003] ATPR 41-935 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 30 Jun 2003 AustLII flag 38
Boral Besser Masonry Ltd (now Boral Masonry Ltd) v Australian Competition and Consumer Commission [2003] HCA 5; (2003) 77 ALJR 623; (2003) 24 Leg Rep 18 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 7 Feb 2003 AustLII flag 47
Monroe Topple & Associates Pty Ltd v Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia [2002] FCAFC 197; [2002] ATPR 41-879; (2002) 122 FCR 110 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 19 Jun 2002 AustLII flag 23
Melway Publishing Pty Ltd v Robert Hicks Pty Ltd t/as Auto Fashions Australia [2001] HCA 13; (2001) 205 CLR 1; (2001) 178 ALR 253; [2001] ATPR 41-805; (2001) 75 ALJR 600; (2001) 50 IPR 257; (2001) 22 Leg Rep 2 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth circa 2001 AustLII flag 120
Stirling Harbour Services Pty Ltd v Bunbury Port Authority [2000] FCA 1381; [2000] ATPR 41-783 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 29 Sep 2000 AustLII flag 40
Australian Competition and Consumer Commission v Boral Ltd [1999] FCA 1318; (1999) 166 ALR 410; [1999] ATPR 41-715 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 22 Sep 1999 AustLII flag 30
Papakosmas v R [1999] HCA 37; (1999) 196 CLR 297; (1999) 164 ALR 548; (1999) 73 ALJR 1274; (1999) 15 Leg Rep C16 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth circa 1999 AustLII flag 652
Watson v Foxman [1995] NSWCA 497; (1995) 49 NSWLR 315 Supreme Court of New South Wales - Court of Appeal Australia - New South Wales 30 Jan 1995 AustLII flag 1067
Dowling v Dalgety Australia Ltd [1992] FCA 35; (1992) 34 FCR 109; (1992) 106 ALR 75; [1992] ATPR 41-165 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 10 Feb 1992 AustLII flag 104
Eastern Express Pty Ltd v General Newspapers Pty Ltd (1992) 35 FCR 43; (1992) 106 ALR 297; [1992] ATPR 41-167 Federal Court of Australia Australia circa 1992 Legal Online / Westlaw flag 77
ASX Operations Pty Ltd v Pont Data Australia Pty Ltd (No 1) [1990] FCA 710; (1990) 27 FCR 460; 97 ALR 513; [1991] ATPR 41-069; 19 IPR 323 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 19 Dec 1990 AustLII flag 125
Queensland Wire Industries Pty Ltd v Broken Hill Proprietary Co Ltd [1989] HCA 6; (1989) 167 CLR 177; (1989) 83 ALR 577; [1989] ATPR 40-925; 63 ALJR 181 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 8 Feb 1989 AustLII flag 302
Dandy Power Equipment Pty Ltd v Mercury Marine Pty Ltd [1982] FCA 178; (1982) 64 FLR 238; 44 ALR 173; 2 TPR 246; [1982] ATPR 40-315 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 14 Sep 1982 AustLII flag 100
SWB Family Credit Union Ltd v Parramatta Tourist Services Pty Ltd [1980] FCA 125; (1980) 32 ALR 365; (1980) 48 FLR 445; [1981] TPRS 31319 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 31 Oct 1980 AustLII flag 31
Re Ku-Ring-Gai Co-operative Building Society (No 12) Ltd [1978] FCA 50; (1978) 36 FLR 134; (1978) 22 ALR 621; [1978] ATPR 40-094 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 18 Dec 1978 AustLII flag 289
Jones v Dunkel [1959] HCA 8; (1959) 101 CLR 298; [1959] ALR 367; 32 ALJR 395; (1959) 18 CA 8 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 3 Mar 1959 AustLII flag 7870
81 Me 79 81 Me 79 United States - Maine circa 1989 flag 1
Re Queensland Co-operative Milling Association Ltd 25 FCR 169; (1976) 8 ALR 481; (1976) 25 FLR 169; [1976] ATPR 40-012; 1 TPC 109 Federal Court of Australia Australia circa 1989 Legal Online / Westlaw flag 259

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