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"When Is a Ship a Ship? Use by State Armed Forces of Uncrewed Maritime Vehicles and the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea"   flag 

(2020) 21 Melbourne Journal of International Law 373
McKenzie, Simon
Melbourne Journal of International Law

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) †  Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
"The Legal Status and Operation of Unmanned Maritime Vehicles" (2019) 50 Ocean Development and International Law 23 Ocean Development and International Law United Kingdom circa 2019 Westlaw flag 1
"Game of Drones: Unmanned Maritime Vehicles and the Law of the Sea" (2018) 24 Auckland University Law Review 66 Auckland University Law Review New Zealand circa 2018 NZLII flag 1
"Determining the Legal Status of Unmanned Maritime Vehicles: Formalism vs Functionalism" (2018) 49 Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce 477 Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce United States circa 2018 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 1
"The Implications of International Law on Unmanned Naval Craft" (2018) 49 Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce 71 Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce United States circa 2018 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 1
Autonomous Ghost Fleet, Its Capabilities and Impacts, and the Legal Ethical Issues That Surround ’ (2018) 49 Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce 31 Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce United States circa 2018 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 1
"Unmanned Ships and the International Regulatory Framework" (2017) 23 (2) Journal of International Maritime Law 100 Journal of International Maritime Law United Kingdom circa 2017 flag 1
"Complications of a Common Language: Why It Is So Hard to Talk about Autonomous Weapons" (2017) 22 (2) Journal of Conflict and Security Law 311 Journal of Conflict and Security Law circa 2017 LexisNexis 1
"International Law and the Military Use of Unmanned Maritime Systems" (2016) 98 (2) International Review of the Red Cross 567 International Review of the Red Cross Switzerland circa 2016 flag 1
"Law of the Sea: UNCLOS as a Living Treaty By Jill Barrett and Richard Barnes (Eds)" (2016) 86 British Yearbook of International Law 225 British Yearbook of International Law United Kingdom circa 2016 HeinOnline flag 1
(2014) 45 (3) Ocean Development and International Law 239 (2014) 45 (3) Ocean Development and International Law 239 Ocean Development and International Law United Kingdom circa 2014 Westlaw flag 2
"The Law of Unmanned Merchant Shipping: An Exploration" (2014) 20 (3) Journal of International Maritime Law 403 Journal of International Maritime Law United Kingdom circa 2014 flag 1
"Unmanned Naval Vehicles at Sea: USVs, UUVs, and the Adequacy of the Law" (2011) 21 (2) Journal of Law Information and Science 100 Journal of Law, Information and Science Australia circa 2011 HeinOnline flag 1
"The Legal Regulation of Floats and Gliders: In Quest of a New Regime?" (2008) 39 (3) Ocean Development and International Law 298 Ocean Development and International Law United Kingdom circa 2008 Westlaw flag 1
Libya/Malta case (1982) 1833 UNTS 396 International circa 1982 flag 19
(1974) 1184 Unts 2 (1974) 1184 UNTS 2 International circa 1974 flag 5
(1973) 1340 Unts 184 (1973) 1340 UNTS 184 International circa 1973 flag 12
Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (1969) 1155 UNTS 331 International circa 1969 flag 536
Navy List ’ and ‘ manned ’ (1958) 450 UNTS 11 International circa 1958 flag 17
1050 Unts 16 1050 UNTS 16 International circa 2008 flag 5
3 Ocean Development and International Law 141 3 Ocean Development and International Law 141 Ocean Development and International Law United Kingdom circa 2008 Westlaw flag 1

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