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"New Directions in Trade and Investment Agreements for Public Health: The Case of Alcohol Labelling"   flag 

(2020) 21 Melbourne Journal of International Law 403
Mitchell, Andrew D; O'Brien, Paula
Melbourne Journal of International Law

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
[2021] European Journal of Risk Regulation 514 [2021] European Journal of Risk Regulation 514 European Journal of Risk Regulation Germany circa 2021 flag 1
"Global Intergovernmental Initiatives to Minimise Alcohol Problems: Some Good Intentions, but Little Action" (2021) 12 (2) European Journal of Risk Regulation 419 European Journal of Risk Regulation Germany circa 2021 flag 1
"A Global Legal Instrument for Alcohol Control: Options, Prospects and Challenges" (2021) 12 (2) European Journal of Risk Regulation 499 European Journal of Risk Regulation Germany circa 2021 flag 1
Free Trade Agreement between Australia and the Republic of Peru (Canberra, 12 February 2018) [2020] ATS 6 Australia circa 2020 AustLII flag 2
"If One Thai Bottle Should Accidentally Fall: Health Information, Alcohol Labelling and International Investment Law" (2020) 21 (5) Journal of World Investment & Trade 674 Journal of World Investment & Trade Switzerland circa 2020 flag 1
Free Trade Agreement between Australia and Hong Kong, China and associated side letters (Sydney, 26 March 2019) [2020] ATS 4 Australia circa 2020 AustLII flag 2
Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (Santiago, 8 March 2018) [2018] ATS 23 Australia circa 2018 AustLII flag 7
(2017) 28 (3) European Journal of International Law 669 (2017) 28 (3) European Journal of International Law 669 European Journal of International Law United Kingdom circa 2017 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 2
"The Right to Regulate in Investor-State Arbitration: Slicing and Dicing Regulatory Carve-Outs" (2017) 50 Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 355 Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law United States circa 2017 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 2
Agreement to Amend the Singapore-Australia Free Trade Agreement (Canberra, 13 October 2016) [2017] ATS 26 Australia circa 2017 AustLII flag 3
"Marginalising Health Information: Implications of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement For Alcohol Labelling" (2017) 41 Melbourne University Law Review 341 Melbourne University Law Review Australia circa 2017 AustLII flag 1
"Trade and Investment Agreements: Implications for Health Protection" (2017) 51 Journal of World Trade 159 Journal of World Trade United States circa 2017 flag 1
"A Breakthrough with the TPP: The Tobacco Carve-Out" (2016) 16 Yale Journal of Health Policy Law and Ethics 327 Yale Journal of Health Policy, Law, and Ethics United States circa 2016 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 1
Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement between the Government of Australia and the Governments of: Brunei Darussalam, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, United States of America and Vietnam [2016] ATNIF 2 Australia circa 2016 AustLII flag 22
"Safeguarding Public Welfare? — Intellectual Property Rights, Health and the Evolution of Treaty Drafting in International Investment Agreements" (2015) 6 (2) Journal of International Dispute Settlement 252 Journal of International Dispute Settlement United Kingdom circa 2015 flag 1
Government of Australia and the Government of the People's Republic of China [2015] ATS 15 Australia circa 2015 AustLII flag 9
"Public Health and the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement" (2015) 5 (2) Asian Journal of International Law 279 Asian Journal of International Law India circa 2015 flag 1
Free Trade Agreement between the Government of Australia and the Government of the Republic of Korea [2014] ATS 43 Australia circa 2014 AustLII flag 12
"In Search of Coherence between Trade and Health: Inter-Institutional Opportunities" (2010) 25 Maryland Journal of International Law 143 Maryland Journal of International Law United States circa 2010 flag 3
(2008) 2590 Unts 101 (2008) 2590 UNTS 101 International circa 2008 flag 2
Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement [2005] ATS 1 Australia circa 2005 AustLII flag 51
(2003) 2302 Unts 166 (2003) 2302 UNTS 166 International circa 2003 flag 18
(2003) 2257 Unts 103 (2003) 2257 UNTS 103 International circa 2003 flag 2
Gats (1994) 1867 UNTS 3 International circa 1994 flag 143
Agreement between the Government of Australia and the Government of the People ’ s Republic of China on the Reciprocal Encouragement and Protection of Investments [1988] ATS 14 Australia circa 1988 AustLII flag 6
(1988) 1976 Unts 389 (1988) 1976 UNTS 389 International circa 1976 flag 2
Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (1969) 1155 UNTS 331 International circa 1969 flag 536
3 American Journal of Law and Medicine 332 3 American Journal of Law and Medicine 332 American Journal of Law and Medicine United States circa 2016 flag 1

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