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EIZ20 v Child Support Registrar   flag 

[2023] FedCFamC2G 637
Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia - Division 2 General Federal Law
Australia - Commonwealth
20th July, 2023

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act 1975 (Cth) s34J, s44, s44AAA
Child Support (Assessment) Act 1989 (Cth) s98F
Child Support (Registration and Collection) Act 1988 (Cth) s110X

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Stiglec v Stiglec [2020] AATA 4287 Administrative Appeals Tribunal Australia 19 Aug 2020 AustLII flag 1
Dalgetty & Dodd [2020] FCCA 1836 Federal Circuit Court of Australia Australia 8 Jul 2020 AustLII flag 1
Walton v Cannon [2019] AATA 2529 Administrative Appeals Tribunal Australia 18 Jul 2019 AustLII flag 1
Emerson v Emerson [2018] FCCA 812 Federal Circuit Court of Australia Australia 5 Apr 2018 AustLII flag 3
P v Child Support Registrar [2015] FCA 116; (2015) 324 ALR 109 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 27 Feb 2015 AustLII flag 22
Child Support Registrar & Crabbe [2014] FamCAFC 10; [2014] FLC 98-062; (2014) 283 FLR 165; (2014) 51 Fam LR 1 Family Court of Australia Australia 6 Feb 2014 AustLII flag 46
Minister for Immigration and Citizenship v SZNVW [2010] FCAFC 41; (2010) 183 FCR 575; (2010) 114 ALD 666 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 10 May 2010 AustLII flag 350
Minister for Immigration and Citizenship v SZIAI [2009] HCA 39; (2009) 259 ALR 429; (2009) 83 ALJR 1123; (2009) 111 ALD 15 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 23 Sep 2009 AustLII flag 1195
Minister for Immigration and Citizenship v Le [2007] FCA 1318; (2007) 164 FCR 151; (2007) 242 ALR 455; (2007) 97 ALD 112 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 27 Aug 2007 AustLII flag 234
SZBEL v Minister for Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs [2006] HCA 63; (2006) 228 CLR 152; (2006) 231 ALR 592; (2006) 81 ALJR 515; (2006) 93 ALD 300 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth circa 2006 AustLII flag 3103
Dwyer v McGuire [1993] FamCA 82; (1993) 114 FLR 325; [1993] FLC 92-420; 17 Fam LR 42 Family Court of Australia Australia 1 Sep 1993 AustLII flag 72
Collector of Customs v Pozzolanic Enterprises Pty Ltd (1993) 43 FCR 289 Federal Court of Australia Australia circa 1993 Legal Online / Westlaw flag 5
Collector of Customs v Pozzolanic Enterprises Pty Ltd (1993) 115 ALR 1; (1993) 43 FCR 289 Federal Court of Australia Australia circa 1993 LexisNexis AU flag 83
Bushell v Repatriation Commission [1992] HCA 47; (1992) 175 CLR 408; (1992) 109 ALR 30; 29 ALD 1; (1992) 16 AAR 1; (1992) 66 ALJR 753 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 7 Oct 1992 AustLII flag 1100
Vick & Hartcher [1991] FamCA 79 Family Court of Australia Australia 13 Nov 1991 AustLII flag 4

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