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Duhaney (Nordia) v R   flag 

[2023] JMCA 12
Court of Appeal of Jamaica
3rd February, 2023

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
R v Sheppard [2002] 1 SCR 869; [2002] SCC 26 circa 2002 27
R v Lloyd Chuck (1991) 28 JLR 422 Jersey circa 1991 flag 4
Reid v R (1978) 27 WIR 254; (1978) 16 JLR 246 circa 1978 46
(1967) 10 JLR 222 (1967) 10 JLR 222 Jersey circa 1967 flag 2
R v Parker (1966) 9 JLR 498; (1966) 10 WIR 85 Jersey circa 1966 flag 5

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