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Matching Cases: 21

Case Name †  Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Bennett v Commonwealth 28 SE2d 13; 182 Va 7 United States - Virginia flag 2
Between Richard and Anna Maria Ganderton, Infants, by J Martin, their Next Friend, Plaintiffs; and Thomas and Frederick Ganderton, Defendants; and between the said Richard and Anna Maria Ganderton, by J C Homer, their Next Friend, Plaintiffs; and the said Thomas and Frederick Ganderton, Defendants [1842] EngR 966; 60 ER 70; (1842) 13 Sim 182 United Kingdom circa 1842 CommonLII flag
Brennan v United Steelworkers of America 554 F2d 586; 81 Lab Cas 13,182; 51 ALRFed 599 United States Court of Appeals, Third Circuit United States 20 Apr 1977 WorldLII flag 17
Federated Engine-Drivers and Firemen's Association of Australasia and The Broken Hill Proprietary Co Ltd [1919] CthArbRp 37; (1919) 13 CAR 182 Commonwealth Arbitration Reports Australia - Commonwealth 21 Jun 1919 AustLII flag 1
Fisher v Isbey [1999] NZHC 1385; (1999) 13 PRNZ 182 High Court of New Zealand New Zealand 17 Feb 1999 NZLII flag 38
Foley v Hill 13 LJCh 182 Court of Chancery United Kingdom flag 4
Gunning Gravel & Paving Co v New Orleans 13 So 182; (1893) 45 La Ann 911 United States - Louisiana circa 1893 flag 1
International Chemical Workers Union Local v National Labor Relations Board 561 F2d 253; 81 Lab Cas 13,247; 182 USApp DC 255 United States Court of Appeals, District of Columbia Circuit United States - District of Columbia 19 Jun 1977 WorldLII flag 4
Krishnasamy v DC Butler Madden (1947) 13 MLJ 182 Malaysia circa 1947 LexisNexis flag
Medical Ancillary Workers Association v Registrar of Trade Unions (1967) 13 FLR 182 Australia 26 Sep 1967 PacLII flag 1
Mourning v National Labor Relations Board 559 F2d 768; 81 Lab Cas 13,212; 182 USApp DC 147 United States Court of Appeals, District of Columbia Circuit United States - District of Columbia 13 May 1977 WorldLII flag 3
Muttupillai v Chinnapillai - NLR - 182 of 13 [1910] LKCA 75; (1910) 13 NLR 182 Sri Lankan Court of Appeal Sri Lanka 27 May 1910 AsianLII flag
Peachey v Rowland and Evans [1853] EngR 76; 13 CB 182; 22 LJCP 81; 138 ER 1167 Court of Common Pleas United Kingdom circa 1853 CommonLII flag 9
Peachy v Rowland 13 Comb 182 King's Bench United Kingdom flag 1
Pumpelly v Green Bay & M Canal Co 13 Wall 182 United States Supreme Court United States flag 1
Riley v Letter Carriers Local 668 F2d 224; 92 Lab Cas 13,182 United States Court of Appeals, Third Circuit United States 26 Jan 1982 WorldLII flag 1
Save the Ridge Inc v Australian Capital Territory [2004] ACTSC 13; (2004) 182 FLR 155; (2004) 133 LGERA 188 Supreme Court of the Australian Capital Territory Australia - Australian Capital Territory 31 Mar 2004 AustLII flag 12
Wakelin v CIR (1997) 18 NZTC 13,182 New Zealand circa 1997 CCH New Zealand flag 1
Wakelin v Commissioner of Inland Revenue (1997) 12 NZTC 13,182 New Zealand circa 1997 CCH New Zealand flag 1
Wakelin v Commissioner of Inland Revenue (1997) 128 NZTC 13,182 New Zealand circa 1997 CCH New Zealand flag
13 Pick 182 13 Pick 182 United States - Massachusetts flag 1

Matching Law Journal Articles: 2

Journal Article Title †  Citation(s) Author Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
"S 51 (xxxi x) of the Constitution and the Federal Distribution of Power" (1982) 13 FedLRev 182 G Rumble Australia circa 1982 AustLII flag 2
"Section 51(xxxix) of the Constitution and the Federal Distribution of Power" (1982-1983) 13 FedLRev 182 Rumble, Gary A Australia circa 1983 HeinOnline flag

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