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14 East 598   flag  2

14 East 598
East's Term Reports, King's Bench
King's Bench
United Kingdom

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Andrew Scott, George Arbuthnot, and Peter Cherry; William Harrington, Henry Burnaby, and H H Harrington, Plaintiffs, and Joseph Dupre Porcher, , Partners under the Firm of Messrs Porcher and Co, Defendants [1817] EngR 837; 3 Mer 652; 36 ER 250 UK United Kingdom circa 1817 CommonLII flag 18
Joseph Beers v Richard Haughton 34 US 329; 9 L Ed 145; 9 Pet 329; 2 Curt CC 94 United States Supreme Court United States 1 Jan 1835 WorldLII flag 13

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