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Matching Law Journal Articles: 20

Journal Article Title Citation(s) Author Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
Emerald Holdings Ltd v Commissioner of Inland Revenue [2009] FJVATT 2 Appeal review of current law & law reform 007 (16 February 2009) circa 2009
2 Appeal review of current law & law reform 1998 circa 2009
2 Appeal review of current law & law reform 35 circa 2009
2 Appeal review of current law & law reform 44 circa 2009
2 Appeal review of current law & law reform 46 circa 2009
2 Appeal review of current law & law reform 65 circa 2009
2 Appeal review of current law & law reform 116
2 Appeal review of current law & law reform 198
2 Appeal review of current law & law reform 236
2 Appeal review of current law & law reform 387
2 Appeal review of current law & law reform 732
2 Appeal review of current law & law reform 903
2 Appeal review of current law & law reform 1093 circa 2009
2 Appeal review of current law & law reform 1270 circa 2009
2 Appeal review of current law & law reform 1525 circa 2009
2 Appeal review of current law & law reform 3174 circa 2009
2 Appeal review of current law & law reform 4777 circa 2009
2 Appeal review of current law & law reform 1 circa 2009
2 Appeal review of current law & law reform 8 circa 2009
2 Appeal review of current law & law reform 4482 circa 2009

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