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Osorio v San Agustin   flag  14

25 Phil 404

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name †  Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Arturo Sarte Flores v Sps Enrico L Lindo, Jr and Edna C Lindo [2011] PHSC 389 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines 13 Apr 2011 AsianLII flag
Bachrach Motor Co , Inc v Esteban Icara Ñ Gal and Oriental Commercial Co , Inc [1939] PHSC 186 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines 29 May 1939 AsianLII flag
Bank of America, NT and SA v American Realty Corporation and Court of Appeals [1999] PHSC 1155 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines 29 Dec 1999 AsianLII flag
BPI Family Savings Bank, Inc Vs Margarita vda de Coscolluela [2006] PHSC 568 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines 27 Jun 2006 AsianLII flag
Caltex Philippines, Inc v the Intermediate Appellate Court and Herbert Manzana [1989] PHSC 628 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines 25 Aug 1989 AsianLII flag
DR Pedro a Danao (substituted by his heirs Martin Danao, Minda Danao and co- Concepcion S Danao) and Concepcion S Danao v Hon Court of Appeals, Bank of the Philippine Islands, Successor to the Peoples Bank & Trust Co [1987] PHSC 497 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines 30 Sep 1987 AsianLII flag
Eastman Chemical Industries, Inc v Honorable Court of Appeals, Bank of the Philippine Islands and the Provincial Sheriff of Rizal [1989] PHSC 489 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines 30 Jun 1989 AsianLII flag
Estate of the deceased Gabina Labitoria Enrique M Pasno v Fortunata Ravina and Ponciana Ravinas Philippine National Bank, appellant [1930] PHSC 27 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines 3 Feb 1930 AsianLII flag
In re estate of J F H Hasemeyer, deceased JULIA HASEMEYER, v administratrix [1924] PHSC 7 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines 2 Feb 1924 AsianLII flag
In the matter of estate of Henry w Elser, deceased VICENTE E REYES, claimnant v CW ROSENSTOCK, executor-appelant [1925] PHSC 68 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines 28 Aug 1925 AsianLII flag
In the matter of the intestate estate of the deceased Filomeno Nery Velez CASIMIRO TAMPARONG, claimant v ROQUE v NERY, administrator [1938] PHSC 194 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines 16 Dec 1938 AsianLII flag
Manolo P Cerna v the Honorable Court of Appeals and Conrad C Leviste [1993] PHSC 259 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines 30 Mar 1993 AsianLII flag
Philippine Commercial International Bank (formerly Philippine Commercial and Industrial Bank) v Intermediate Appellate Court and Spouses Jose Salgado and Julieta Salgado [1991] PHSC 250 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines 19 Apr 1991 AsianLII flag
PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK v JOSE MARIA DE LA VI Ñ A, administrator of the testate estate of Diego de la Vi ñ a, deceased [1924] PHSC 75 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines 28 Aug 1924 AsianLII flag

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