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Matching Cases: 7

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
Kufner v Kufner 480 FSupp 2d 491 United States Westlaw flag 2
European Connections & Tours, Inc v Gonzales 480 FSupp 2d 1355 United States Westlaw flag 1
Flores v Arizona 480 FSupp 2d 1157 United States Westlaw flag 1
Cf Lytle v Potter 480 FSupp 2d 986 United States Westlaw flag 1
Cooper v Conn Pub Defender ’ s Office 480 FSupp 2d 536 United States Westlaw flag 1
Supreme Court '" Beaty v Republic of Iraq 480 FSupp 2d 60 United States Westlaw flag 1
480 FSupp 2d 471 480 FSupp 2d 471 United States Westlaw flag

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