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Matching Cases: 35

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
(2021) 6 HKC 238; [2021] 4 HKLRD 202 (2021) 6 HKC 238; [2021] 4 HKLRD 202 Hong Kong circa 2021 flag
HKSAR v Ngai Yiu Ching [2011] 5 HKLRD 690; (2011) 6 HKC 238 Hong Kong circa 2011 flag 195
R v Ebatarintja [2010] NTSC 6; (2010) 238 FLR 197; (2010) 26 NTLR 168 Supreme Court of the Northern Territory Australia - Northern Territory 11 Mar 2010 AustLII flag 2
Jose Alicea Ponce, , Plaintiffs, Appellants, v Ashford Presbyterian Community Hospital, Defendant, Appellee 238 F3d 20 United States Court of Appeals, Eleventh Circuit United States 8 Jan 2001 WorldLII flag 3
United States of America, Plaintiff-Appellee, v Karen R Weller, Defendant-Appellant 238 F3d 1215 United States Court of Appeals, Tenth Circuit United States 4 Jan 2001 WorldLII flag 5
National Union of Storeworkers, Packers, Rubber and Allied Workers and AA Fibreglass Products; The Australian Chamber of Manufactures on Behalf of Hardie Bathroom Products , Hardie Bathroom Products - Knoxfield, N0ttin6 Hill and Branch (Enterprise Bargaining) Award 1993 [1993] CthArbRp 693; (1993) 6 CAR 238 Commonwealth Arbitration Reports Australia - Commonwealth 17 Jun 1993 AustLII flag
Pertl v Kahl, Deputy Commissioner of Taxation (SA) (1976) 13 SASR 433; (1976) 31 FLR 380; 6 ATR 238 Supreme Court of South Australia Australia - South Australia circa 1976 Legal Online / Westlaw flag 14
Ram Sewak Yadav v Hussain Kamil Kidwai [1964-6] SCR 238 circa 1964 2
H] Ram Sewak Yadav v Bussain Kamil Kidwai (1964) 6 SCR 238 circa 1964 14
Zogai v Gemayel Bros [1938] LRSC 10; 6 LLR 238 Supreme Court of Liberia Liberia 22 Apr 1938 LiberLII flag 3
(1909) 6 MLT 238 (1909) 6 MLT 238 India - Tamil Nadu circa 1909 flag 1
Poverty Bay Freezing-works Industrial Union of Workers v Nelson Bros (Ltd) - Court of Arbitration [1905] NZBkAwdDec 53 (1905) 6 BA 238 Belgium 24 Aug 1905 NZLII flag
In re Freehold Investment & Banking Co of Australia Ltd [1900] ArgusLawRp 86; (1900) 6 ALR 238 Argus Law Reports Australia 2 Aug 1900 AustLII flag
(1891-1892) 6 Edc 238 (1891-1892) 6 EDC 238 South Africa - Cape of Good Hope circa 1891 flag 1
Hi,ggi,ns and Wright v The Viotoria,n R'ailw'a,ys Comm iss'i oners (1885) 6 ALT 238 Australia circa 1885 flag 1
In Re Smith, Knight, & Co (No 1) (Weston's Case) [1868] UKLawRpEq 108; (1868) LR 6 Eq 238 United Kingdom 9 Jun 1868 CommonLII flag
Ferguson v Robertson [1868] ScotLR 6_238 United Kingdom - Scotland 14 Jan 1868 BAILII flag
Mark William Ridgway,-Appellant; Rev Henry James Wharton,-Respondent [1857] EngR 713; 6 HLCas 238; 10 ER 1287; 3 De GM & GBy 689; 3 DM & G 677 House of Lords United Kingdom circa 1857 CommonLII flag 48
Finley v Lynn 10 US 238; 3 L Ed 211; 6 Cranch 238 United States Supreme Court United States 1 Feb 1810 WorldLII flag 1
Ex parte Brocke [1805] EngR 68; 102 ER 1278; (1805) 6 East 238 King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1805 CommonLII flag
6 LJCP 238 6 LJCP 238 Court of Common Pleas United Kingdom flag 2
Ryan, Re 6 LCC 238 Australia - New South Wales flag
Archibald v Mississippi & TR Co 6 So 238; 66 Miss 424 United States - Mississippi flag 1
6 Idaho 238 6 Idaho 238 United States - Idaho flag 3
“ If people [maintenance personnel] are going to have a ban on on-call, that would mean that there is a risk that the maintenance workers would not come out It doesn ’ t take a very long period of time for the temperature to come out of the acceptable one to keep the blood, and any blood [that] was being stored at the time would need to be destroyed ” 6 PN 238 United Kingdom Westlaw flag 1
6 HL 238 6 HL 238 United Kingdom flag
6 P 238 6 P 238 1
6 CB 238 6 CB 238 1
6 TR 238 6 TR 238 1
Lovell v McKechnie 6 BR 238 United States flag 1
6 Page 238 6 Page 238 United Kingdom flag 1
6 Ves 238 6 Ves 238 United Kingdom flag
6 WR 238 6 WR 238 United Kingdom flag 1
Wells v Osmcm 6 Mad 238 India flag 1
6 Se 238; 6 Am St Rep 613 6 SE 238; 6 Am St Rep 613 United States flag 1

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