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A -G v Jackson   flag  3

8 Bli NS 15
Bligh's House of Lords Reports, New Series
House of Lords
United Kingdom

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Richard Radford Rowe, Esq,-Plaintiff in Error; His Majesty's Attorney-General in Ireland,-Defendant in Error [1834] EngR 278; 6 ER 1072; (1834) 2 Cl & F 42 House of Lords United Kingdom circa 1834 CommonLII flag
Attorney-General,-Appellant; Sir Charles Forbes, Bart, George Jackson ,-Respondents [1834] EngR 331; 2 Cl & F 48; 6 ER 1074 House of Lords United Kingdom circa 1834 CommonLII flag 2
George Jackson and Ann Nesbitt, his Wife(since Deceased), Plaintiffs; Sir Charles Forbes, Bart, Lachlan Macquarie(since Deceased), Colin Anderson(since Deceased), and Caroline Erskine, late an Infant, by her Guardian, Defendants; The said G Jackson and A N, his Wife, Plaintiffs; The Said L Macquarie (since Deceased), Defendants; The said G Jackson and A N, his Wife, Plaintiffs; Thomas Falkner Middleton and Caroline Erskine, his Wife, late C E Anderson, an Infant, George Jackson Jackson and John Anderson Jackson, Infants by their Guardian, and the said Sir C Forbes, Bart, and L Macquarie, Defendants; The said G Jackson, Plaintiff; The said Sir C Forbes, Bart, T F Middleton and C E, his Wife, and G J Jackson, and J A Jackson, and J Jackson, Children of the said Plaintiff G Jackson, all Infants out of the Jurisdiction of the Court, J H Forbes, M Hale, and his Majesty's Attorney-General, Defendants Court of Exchequer United Kingdom circa 1832 CommonLII flag

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