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Sadashiw Iyer, J 's opinion Disapp) If the rule is valid I agree that the appeal should be the Government has power to declare what shall allowed with costs throughout be the nature and scope of the enquiry   flag  2

AIR 1924 Mad 92
All India Reporter, Madras Series
India - Tamil Nadu

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Emperor v Shriballabh [1924] AllINRprNag 267 All India Reporter - Nagpur India 12 Dec 1924 AsianLII flag
Thimma Reddi v Secretary of State [1923] AllINRprMad 225; 33 MLT 275; 47 Mad 325; [1924] AIR Mad 523 All India Reporter - Madras India - Tamil Nadu 27 Sep 1923 AsianLII flag 2

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