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Municipal Council Palai v TJ Joseph   flag  13

[1963] INSC 37; [1964] 2 SCR 87; AIR 1963 SC 1561
Supreme Court of India
14th February, 1963

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Uttaranchal v M/S Kumaon Stone Crusher [2017] INSC 791 Supreme Court of India India 15 Sep 2017 LIIofIndia flag
Lal Shah Baba Dargah Trust v Magnum Developers [2015] INSC 879 Supreme Court of India India 15 Dec 2015 LIIofIndia flag
KT Plantation PVT Ltd & Anr v Karnataka [2011] INSC 689 Supreme Court of India India 9 Aug 2011 LIIofIndia flag
Indian Medical Association v Union of India [2011] INSC 501 Supreme Court of India India 12 May 2011 LIIofIndia flag
Union of India v The State - APO [2010] INWBKOHC 22012 High Court of Calcutta India 5 Oct 2010 LIIofIndia flag
Vijay Singh v Up & Others - Special Appeal [2004] INAHHC 388 Allahbad High Court India - Allahbad 28 Jul 2004 LIIofIndia flag
Vijay Singh v Up - Writ - a [2004] INAHHC 387 Allahbad High Court India - Allahbad 28 Jul 2004 LIIofIndia flag
Vijay Singh v Up - Writ - a [2004] INUPHC 387 High Court of Judicature at Allahabad India 28 Jul 2004 LIIofIndia flag
Vijay Singh v Up & Others - Special Appeal [2004] INUPHC 388 High Court of Judicature at Allahabad India 28 Jul 2004 LIIofIndia flag
MP v Kedia Leather & Liquor Ltd [2003] INSC 385 Supreme Court of India India 19 Aug 2003 LIIofIndia flag
RS Raghunath v Karnataka & Anr [1991] INSC 256; 1992 1 SCC 335; 1991 2 SCALE 808; 1991 4 JT 82; 1991 1 SCR Supl 387; AIR 1992 SC 81; [1992] SCC (L & S) 286 Supreme Court of India India 4 Oct 1991 LIIofIndia flag 28
Vijay Kumar Sharma v Karnataka [1990] INSC 60; (1990) 2 SCC 562; 1990 1 SCR 614; 1990 2 JT 448; 1990 1 SCALE 342; AIR 1990 SC 2072 Supreme Court of India India 27 Feb 1990 LIIofIndia flag 8
Ratan Lal Adukia & Anr v Union of India [1989] INSC 203; (1989) 3 SCC 537; 1989 2 SCALE 28; 1989 3 JT 148; 1989 3 SCR 440; AIR 1990 SC 104 Supreme Court of India India 19 Jul 1989 LIIofIndia flag 2
Justiniano Augusto De Piedada Barreto v Antonio Vicente De Fonseca [1979] INSC 59; (1979) 3 SCC 47; 1979 3 SCR 494; AIR 1979 SC 984 Supreme Court of India India 6 Mar 1979 LIIofIndia flag 7

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
RS Raghunath v Karnataka & Anr [1991] INSC 256; 1992 1 SCC 335; 1991 2 SCALE 808; 1991 4 JT 82; 1991 1 SCR Supl 387; AIR 1992 SC 81; [1992] SCC (L & S) 286 Supreme Court of India India 4 Oct 1991 LIIofIndia flag 11
Ratan Lal Adukia & Anr v Union of India [1989] INSC 203; (1989) 3 SCC 537; 1989 2 SCALE 28; 1989 3 JT 148; 1989 3 SCR 440; AIR 1990 SC 104 Supreme Court of India India 19 Jul 1989 LIIofIndia flag 6
[1979] SC 984 [1979] SC 984 United Kingdom - Scotland circa 1979 flag 4
Deep Chand v UP [1959] 2 SCR 8 circa 1959 2
Shyamakant Lal v Rambhajan Singh [1939] FCR 193 Federal Court of Australia Australia circa 1939 Legal Online / Westlaw flag 8
Goodwin v Phillips (1908) 7 CLR 16 Australia - Commonwealth circa 1908 Legal Online / Westlaw flag 3
Attorney-General for Ontario v Attorney-General for the Dominion [1896] UKLawRpAC 27; [1896] AC 348; 65 LJPC 26 United Kingdom 9 May 1896 CommonLII flag 98
(1863) 143 BR 331 (1863) 143 BR 331 United States circa 1863 flag 1
Daw, Clerk of the Commissioners of Sewers of the City of London v The Metropolitan Board of Works [1862] EngR 606; (1862) 12 CBNS 161; 142 ER 1104 Court of Common Pleas United Kingdom circa 1862 CommonLII flag 4
[1862] Er 1104 [1862] ER 1104 United Kingdom circa 1862 CommonLII flag 1

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