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Palau Sessional Legislation |
RPPL NO. 8-29
Eleventh Regular Session, July 2011
(Introduced as House Bill No. 8-146-11, HD3, SD4, CD1)
To amend RPPL No. 8-18 as amended by RPPL No. 8-25 to authorize an additional sum of $2,675,100 and appropriate the sum of $2,675,100 from the National Treasury to supplement the general operations of the National Government of the Republic of Palau for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2011, and for other related purposes.
Section 1. Short Title. This Act may be cited as AThe Fiscal Year 2011 Supplemental Budget Authorization and Appropriation Act@.
Section 2. Funds Availability Analysis. The funding sources for the Fiscal Year 2011 supplemental budget shall come from the following: $2,197,100 shall come from local revenue, including revenue from the proceeds of the Guam land sale and revenue from the Management of the Western Purse Seine Vessel Fishery from the National Fisheries Authority of Papua New Guinea; $20,000 shall come from Green Fee revenues; and $458,000 shall come from the foreign fishing licensing revenues pursuant to RPPL No. 8-25 as amended by Section 12 of this Act.
Section 3. Amendment. The Title of RPPL No. 8-18 as amended by RPPL No. 8-25 is hereby amended as follows:
ATo authorize and appropriate the sum of $57,506,100 from the National Treasury for the annual general operating, special revenue, COFA Review, and debt service budget of the Republic of Palau for fiscal year ending September 30, 2011.@
Section 4. Amendment. Section 2 of RPPL No. 8-18 as amended by RPPL No. 8-25 is hereby amended to read as follows:
ASection 2. Executive Branch Operations. The sum of $32,803,100 is authorized for appropriation and is hereby appropriated for expenditure and obligation for Fiscal Year 2011 for the purpose of covering the operational and contingent expenses of the Executive Branch. The total amount authorized to be appropriated and appropriated shall be made up of the following available revenue sources: The amount of $14,803,100 shall come from local revenues and from the revenue sources enumerated in Section 2 of the Fiscal Year 2011 Supplemental Budget Authorization and Appropriation Act; and the amount of $18,000,000 shall come from the investment earnings from the fund created pursuant to Section 211(f) of the Compact of Free Association and direct assistance to Palau under the Compact of Free Association. The total authorized for appropriation and hereby appropriated shall be allocated according to the following schedule, respectively:
Supplemental Total
(1) Office of the President
(a) President=s Office $89,100 $718,100
. . .
Subtotal $89,100 $718,100
. . .
(2) Ministry of Finance
. . .
(g) Bureau of Revenue, Customs & Taxation $20,000 $1,115,000
The $20,000 supplemental funding shall be earmarked to purchase a vehicle to be used for administrative tasks related to the Green Fee, including, but not limited to, collection of the Green Fee.
Sub Total $20,000 $2,247,000
. . .
(5) Ministry of Community & Cultural Affairs
. . .
(b) Bureau of National Archives $15,000 $74,000
Sub Total $15,000 $920,000
. . .
(6) Ministry of Education
. . .
(d) Bureau of School Administration $240,000 $5,272,000
Of the $240,000 supplemental funding, $60,000 shall be earmarkedfor the purpose of procuring a school bus to transport students from Ngchesar and Ngiwal as a result of the consolidation of the schools on the East coast of Babeldaob (Ngiwal, Ngchesar, and Melekeok). These funds shall not lapse at the end of the fiscal year.
(e) Food Service Program $20,000 $620,000
Sub-Total $260,000 $6,613,000
(7) Ministry of Infrastructure, Industry and Commerce
. . .
(g) Bureau of Aviation $190,000 $929,000
. . .
(j) Water and Sewer Operations $430,000 $2,430,000
. . .
(m) New Capitol Complex Electricity & Maintenance $90,000 $696,000
Sub-Total $710,000 $7,402,000
. . .
(9) Ministry of Health
. . .
(c) Health Administration $150,000 $1,877,000
. . .
(e) Medical Referrals 0 $540,000
Thirty-five percent (35%) of the authorized and appropriated funds for this budget activity shall be earmarked for the purpose of meeting the national government=s obligation under RPPL No. 8-14 (the new Health Insurance law).
(f) Bureau of Clinical Services $150,000 $2,404,000
Sub Total $300,000 $7,293,000
. . .
Section 2 Total $1,394,100 $32,803,000"
Section 5. Amendment. Section 3 of RPPL No. 8-18 as amended by RPPL No. 8-25 is hereby amended to read as follows:
ASection 3. Boards, Commissions, and Authorities. The sum of $793,000 is authorized for appropriation and is hereby appropriated for expenditure and obligation for Fiscal Year 2011 for the purpose of funding the operational and contingent expenses of Boards, Commissions and Authorities. The entire amount of funds authorized and appropriated shall come from local revenues and from the revenue sources enumerated in Section 2 of the Fiscal Year 2011 Supplemental Budget Authorization and Appropriation Act;. The total authorization and the total appropriation shall be allocated according to the following schedule, respectively:
Supplemental Total
. . .
(9) Ngardmau FTZ Authority $5,000 $120,000
. . .
Section 3 Total $5,000 $793,000"
Section 6. Amendment. Section 5 of RPPL No. 8-18 as amended by RPPL No. 8-25 is hereby amended to read as follows:
ASection 5. Legislative Branch. The sum of $ 3,820,000 is hereby authorized to be appropriated and is hereby appropriated for expenditure or obligation for Fiscal Year 2011 for the purpose of covering the operational and contingent expenses of the Legislative Branch. The total amount authorized to be appropriated and appropriated shall come from local revenues and from the revenue sources enumerated in Section 2 of the Fiscal Year 2011 Supplemental Budget Authorization and Appropriation Act. The total authorization and appropriation shall be allocated according to the following schedule:
(Auth&App) Supplemental Total
(1) Senate $50,000 $1,564,000
. . .
(3) House of Delegates $50,000 $1,732,000
. . .
Sub Total $100,000 $3,820,000"
Section 7. Amendment. Section 8 of RPPL No. 8-18 as amended by RPPL No. 8-25 is hereby amended to read as follows:
ASection 8. Independent Agencies. The sum of $1,954,000 is authorized for appropriation and is hereby appropriated for expenditure or obligation for Fiscal Year 2011 as operating grants or subsidies for independent agencies of the National Government. The total amount authorized to be appropriated and appropriated shall come from local revenues and from the revenue sources enumerated in Section 2 of the Fiscal Year 2011 Supplemental Budget Authorization and Appropriation Act. The amounts authorized and appropriated in this section shall not be subject to reprogramming or reallocation. The total authorization and appropriation shall be allocated according to the following schedule, respectively:
Supplemental Total
(1) Office of the Public Auditor $40,000 $380,000
(2) Office of the Special Prosecutor <-$100,000> $118,000
. . .
(4) National Postal Service $60,000 $327,000
Section 8 Total $0 $1,954,000
. . .@
Section 8. Amendment. Section 9 of RPPL No. 8-18 as amended by RPPL No. 8-25 is hereby amended to read as follows:
ASection 9. Other Agencies arid Activities. The sum of $1,697,000 is authorized for appropriation and the sum of $1,697,000 is hereby appropriated for expenditure or obligation for Fiscal Year 2011 as grants or subsidies for recurring programs and activities. The total amount authorized to be appropriated and appropriated shall come from local revenues. The total authorization and appropriation shall be allocated according to the following schedule, respectively:
Supplemental Total
. . .
(8) PNOC & Sports Organization 0 $365,000
(9) Palau International Coral Reef Center $15,000 $387,000
This supplemental funding of $15,000 is earmarked for the sole purpose of funding PICRC=s external assessment.
(10) Palau Community Action Agency $61,000 $176,000
Section 9 Total $76,000 $1,697,000"
Section 9. Amendment. Section 6 of RPPL No. 8-18 as amended by RPPL No. 8-25 is hereby amended to read as follows:
ASection 6. State Block Grants. The sum of $4,822,000 is hereby authorized to be appropriated and is hereby appropriated for expenditure or obligation for Fiscal Year 2011 for the purpose of State Governments= operational and capital improvement projects expenses. The entire amount of funds authorized to be appropriated and appropriated shall come from local revenues and other revenue sources, including the revenue sources enumerated in Section 2 of the Fiscal Year 2011 Supplemental Budget Authorization and Appropriation Act. The amount authorized for appropriation shall be available for expenditure for operations and CIP projects in accordance with 40 PNC Chapter 22. The total authorization and total appropriation shall be allocated according to the following schedule respectively:
(RPPL 8-18) (Auth&Appro)
Auth&Appro Supplemental Total
(1) Aimeliik State $242,000 28,000 270,000
(2) Airai State 387,000 44,750 431,750
(3) Angaur State 209,000 24,200 233,200
(4) Hatohobei State 149,000 17,200 166,200
(5) Kayangel State 186,000 21,600 207,600
(6) Koror State 780,000 90,150 870,150
(7) Melekeok State 232,000 26,900 258,900
(8) Ngaraard State 273,000 31,550 304,550
(9) Ngarchelong State 273,000 31,550 304,550
(10) Ngardmau State 227,000 26,250 253,250
(11) Ngaremlengui State 235,000 27,200 262,200
Of this sum, $5,000 shall be earmarked for the expenses and costs incurred by the Ngaremlengui State Public Land Authority.
(12) Ngatpang State 222,000 25,750 247,750
(13) Ngchesar State 242,000 28,000 270,000
(14) Ngiwal State 227,000 26,250 253,250
(15) Peleliu State 289,000 33,450 322,450
(16) Sonsorol State 149,000 17,200 166,200"
Section 10. Fishing License Fee Revenues. The sum of $458,000 from the foreign fishing license revenues are hereby authorized and appropriated to be disbursed pursuant to Section 4 of RPPL No. 8-25, as amended by Section 12 of this Act.
Section 11. Health Care Fund. The amount of $600,000 is hereby authorized to be appropriated and is hereby appropriated for Fiscal Year 2011 for purposes of the Health Care Fund. The amount authorized to be appropriated and hereby appropriated shall come from local revenue and shall be available for expenditure or obligation to meet the national government=s obligations under RPPL No. 8-14 (new Health Insurance law). The amounts authorized and appropriated in this section shall not be subject to reprogramming or reallocation.
Section 12. Amendment. Section 4 of RPPL No. 8-25 is hereby amended to read as follows:
ASection 4. Foreign Fishing Revenue Distribution. For Fiscal Year 2011 only, allrevenues derived from the licensing of foreign fishing vessels to fish within the Republic ofPalau=s jurisdictional waters, shall hereby be divided between the national government and the state governments as follows: 15% of the revenue shall be allocated to the national government, and the remaining 85% of the revenue shall be divided among the state governments according to population as allocated in Section 9 of the Fiscal Year 2011 Supplemental Budget Authorization and Appropriation Act.@
Section 13. Amendment. Section 3413 of Title 24 of the Palau National Code, as amended by RPPL Nos. 7-42, 7-57, 8-9, and 8-18 is hereby amended as follows:
A' 3413. Environmental Protection Fee (>Green Fee=).
(a) . . .
(e) . . .
(C) The amount of $20,000 from the Green Fee revenues are hereby authorized and appropriated to the Bureau of Revenue, Customs, and Taxation for administrative costs of collecting the Green Fee, pursuant to Section 3413(b) of Title 24 of the Palau National Code, as amended by RPPL Nos. 7-42, 7-57, 8-9, and 8-18. The total amount of funds authorized and appropriated in this section in accordance with the Fiscal Year 2011 Supplemental Budget Authorization and Appropriation Act shall not lapse at the end of the fiscal year.@
Section 14. Effective Date. This Act shall take effect upon its approval by the President of the Republic of Palau or upon becoming law without such approval,
except as otherwise provided
by law.
PASSED: August 25, 2011
Approved this 29th day of August , 2011.
HE Johnson Toribiong
Republic of Palau
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