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Moon and Other Celestial Bodies   flag  9

(1979) 1363 UNTS 3
United Nations Treaty Series

Law Journal Articles Referring to this Case

Journal Article Title †  Citation(s) Author Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
"The Space (Innovation) Race: The Inevitable Relationship between Military Technology and Innovation" (2019) 20 Melbourne Journal of International Law 1 De Zwart, Melissa; Stephens, Dale Australia circa 2019 AustLII flag
"A Delicate Balance: Regulating Micro Satellite Technology in a Big Satellite World" (2014-2015) 18 University of Western Sydney Law Review 1 Freeland, Steven Australia circa 2015 AustLII flag
"Fly Me to the Moon: How Will International Law Cope with Commercial Space Tourism?" (2010) 11 Melbourne Journal of International Law 90 Freeland, Steven Australia circa 2010 AustLII flag 2
"There's a Satellite in My Backyard - Mir and the Convention on International Liability for Damage Caused by Space Objects" (2001) 24 University of New South Wales Law Journal 462 Freeland, Steven Australia circa 2001 AustLII flag 2
"Common Heritage of Mankind: An Adequate Regime for Managing the Deep Seabed, The" (2003) 4 Melbourne Journal of International Law 376 Guntrip, Edward Australia circa 2003 AustLII flag 1
"Minerals and Mechanisms: The Legal Significance of the Notion of the 'Common Heritage of Mankind' in the Advisory Opinion of the Seabed Disputes Chamber " (2011) 12 Melbourne Journal of International Law 373 Henley, Peter Holcombe Australia circa 2011 AustLII flag
"Fences in Outer Space: Recognising Property Rights in Celestial Bodies and Natural Resources" [2016] WAJurist 4 Ng, Nicole Australia circa 2016 AustLII flag
"Fisheries, forests and the common heritage of Mankind" [2014] NZPubIntLawJl 11 Pullar, Andrew New Zealand circa 2014 NZLII flag
"Re-imagining International Law's Environment: An Ecological Critique of International Food Law and International Disaster Law" (2022) 23 Melbourne Journal of International Law 23 Sezgin, Ayse Didem; Best, Ashleigh Australia circa 2022 AustLII flag

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