Re John Daniel Joyce; James O'Donnell; Bruce William Sloman; Fernando Louis Perez; Ronald Douglas Norup; James Fritz Oelling; Brian Dennis Gerhardt; Robert Downie; Sylvia May Lowe; Kenneth Harvey Edmunds; Terrence James Fegan; Mark Carl Dowling; Kimberley
[1990] FCA 253
Federal Court of Australia
Australia - Commonwealth
20 Jul 1990
Re Neville William Thompson v Eroll Hodder
[1989] FCA 401
Federal Court of Australia
Australia - Commonwealth
27 Sep 1989
Re Alexander John Nucifora, Gordon Mcpherson, David Lewis, Graham Treacy, Paul Griffiths, Patrick James Brophy, Tadeusz Marian Kowalski and Vincent Mckenna, John Peter Maynes, Joan Riordan, Terence William Sullivan, Richard John Wasson, Vincent Higgins, D
[1983] FCA 292
Federal Court of Australia
Australia - Commonwealth
4 Nov 1983
Re Frank Troja v L Macdonald; M Mcpike; G Stanley; R Dillon; N Mcdonald; T Antoniou; W Bygate; G Coulter; W Egglestone; R Hawthorne; E Helman; A James; W Jennings; W Legge; J Macdonald; J Murrawood; WJ Curran and the Australasian Meat
[1981] FCA 96
Federal Court of Australia
Australia - Commonwealth
16 Jul 1981
Bartkus v Illinois
359 US 121; 3 L Ed 684; 3 L Ed 2d 684; 79 SCt 676; 3 L Ed 2d 68449
United States Supreme Court
United States
8 Jun 1959