Mane Market Pty Ltd, Mane Lion Pty Ltd, Potanc Pty Ltd, Brighton Management Pty Ltd, Flinders Management Pty Ltd v Russell James Temple, and Northeast Management Pty Ltd, Quantile Pty Ltd, Ocean East Pty Ltd and Ocean Central Pty Ltd
[1997] SASC 6389
Supreme Court of South Australia
Australia - South Australia
3 Oct 1997
Mane Market Pty Ltd, Mane Lion Pty Ltd, Potanc Pty Ltd, Brighton Management Pty Ltd, Flinders Management Pty Ltd v Russell James Temple, and Northeast Management Pty Ltd, Quantile Pty Ltd, Ocean East Pty Ltd and Ocean Central Pty Ltd
[1997] SASC 6721
Supreme Court of South Australia
Australia - South Australia
3 Oct 1997
Mane Market Pty Ltd, Mane Lion Pty Ltd, Potanc Pty Ltd, Brighton Management Pty Ltd, Flinders Management Pty Ltd v Russell James Temple, and Northeast Management Pty Ltd, Quantile Pty Ltd, Ocean East Pty Ltd and Ocean Central Pty Ltd
[1997] SASC 6759
Supreme Court of South Australia
Australia - South Australia
3 Oct 1997
R v Egan, Rooney, Andrews, Liberato & Sekulic
[1985] SASC 7995
Supreme Court of South Australia
Australia - South Australia
18 Jan 1985
Herbert v R
[1982] FCA 147; (1982) 42 ALR 631; (1982) 62 FLR 302; (1982) 6 A Crim R 1
Federal Court of Australia
Australia - Commonwealth
30 Jul 1982