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Matching Cases: 8

Case Name †  Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Des Champs v Conseil des é coles s é par é es catholiques de langue fran ç aise de Prescott-Russell (1993) 16 OR 3d 278 Canada - Ontario circa 1993 flag 2
Elliott v Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (1993) 16 OR 3d 677 Canada - Ontario circa 1993 flag 1
Jeffrey v Sawyer (1993) 16 OR 3d 75 Canada - Ontario circa 1993 flag 1
Masters v Ontario (1993) 16 OR 3d 439 Canada - Ontario circa 1993 flag 1
Prete v Ontario (1993) 16 OR 3d 161 Canada - Ontario circa 1993 flag 2
R v Fair (1993) 16 OR 3d 1 Canada - Ontario circa 1993 flag 1
Walker v Bank of New York, Inc (1993) 16 OR 3d 596 Canada - Ontario circa 1993 flag 1
(1993) 16 Or 3d 385; 110 DLR (4th) 435; 68 Oac 136 (1993) 16 OR 3d 385; 110 DLR (4th) 435; 68 OAC 136 Canada - Ontario circa 1993 flag 1

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