"All in the Family: Recognizing the Unifying Potential of Same-Sex Marriage"
(2001) 10 Law and Sexuality 187
Tobin A Sparling
United States
circa 2001
"Queer Reasoning: Immigration Policy, Baker v Vermont, and the (Non)Recognition of Same-Gender Relationships"
(2001) 10 Law and Sexuality 211
Christopher S Hargis
United States
circa 2001
"The (Back)door of Oncale v Sundowner Offshore Services, Inc : "Outing" Heterosexuality as a Gender-Based Stereotype"
(2001) 10 Law and Sexuality 239
BJ Chisholm
United States
circa 2001
"The Gender Caste System: Identity, Privacy, and Heteronormativity"
(2001) 10 Law and Sexuality 123
Jillian Todd Weiss
United States
circa 2001
"vC v MJB : The New Jersey Supreme Court Recognizes the Parental Role of a Nonbiological Lesbian "Mother" but Grants Her Only Visitation Rights"
(2001) 10 Law and Sexuality 299
Eric KM Yatar
United States
circa 2001
"Doe v Mutual of Omaha: The Seventh Circuit Eviscerates the Ada's Protection of People with Hiv/Aids Against Insurance Policy Discrimination"
(2001) 10 Law and Sexuality 277
Richard C Parks
United States
circa 2001
"The Low Road to Violence: Governmental Discrimination as a Catalyst for Pandemic Hate Crime"
(2001) 10 Law and Sexuality 1
James Allon Garland
United States
circa 2001
"A Merit Badge for Homophobia? The Boy Scouts Earn the Right to Exclude Gays in Boy Scouts of America v Dale"
(2001) 10 Law and Sexuality 93
Jeremy Patrick
United States
circa 2001