"Voyeur War? The First Amendment, Privacy & Images From the War on Terrorism"
(2004) 15 Fordham Intellectual Property Media & Entertainment Law Journal 147
Clay Calvert
United States
circa 2004
HeinOnline / LexisNexis
"Post-Grant Patent Invalidation In China And In The United States, Europe, And Japan: A Comparative Study"
(2004) 15 Fordham Intellectual Property Media & Entertainment Law Journal 273
Haitao Sun
United States
circa 2004
HeinOnline / LexisNexis
"Speaking With A Forked Tongue In The Global Debate On Traditional Knowledge And Genetic Resources: Are US Intellectual Property Law And Policy Really Aimed At Meaningful Protection For Native American Cultures?"
(2004) 15 Fordham Intellectual Property Media & Entertainment Law Journal 1
Nancy Kremers
United States
circa 2004
HeinOnline / LexisNexis
"How Do You Say "Big Media" In Spanish? Spanish-Language Media Regulation And The Implications Of The Univision-Hispanic Broadcasting Merger On The Public Interest"
(2004) 15 Fordham Intellectual Property Media & Entertainment Law Journal 203
Nicole Serratore
United States
circa 2004
HeinOnline / LexisNexis
"Are Decss T-Shirts Dirty Laundry? Wearable, Non-Executable Computer Code As Protected Speech"
(2004) 15 Fordham Intellectual Property Media & Entertainment Law Journal 169
Sara Crasson
United States
circa 2004
HeinOnline / LexisNexis