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Matching Law Journal Articles: 10

Journal Article Title Citation(s) Author Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
"The Evolution of ISA Clauses in Chinese IIAs and Its Practical Implications" (2015) 16 Journal of World Investment & Trade 869 Manjiao Chi and Xi Wang Switzerland circa 2015 flag 2
"Investment Arbitration in East Asia and the Pacific" (2015) 16 Journal of World Investment & Trade 800 Claudia T Salomon and Sandra Friedrich Switzerland circa 2015 flag 1
(2015) 16 Journal of World Investment & Trade 843 (2015) 16 Journal of World Investment & Trade 843 Journal of World Investment & Trade Switzerland circa 2015 flag 1
(2015) 16 Journal of World Investment & Trade 899 (2015) 16 Journal of World Investment & Trade 899 Journal of World Investment & Trade Switzerland circa 2015 flag 1
International Investment Agreements and Investor – State Dispute Settlement ’ (2015) 16 Journal of World Investment & Trade 952 Journal of World Investment & Trade Switzerland circa 2015 flag 1
"Recent Anti-ISDS Discourse in the Japanese Diet: A Dressed-Up but Glaring Hypocrisy" (2015) 16 Journal of World Investment & Trade 931 Shotaro Hamamoto Switzerland circa 2015 flag 1
"Editorial: The Mauritius Convention on Transparency" (2015) 16 Journal of World Investment & Trade 201 Journal of World Investment & Trade Switzerland circa 2015 flag 1
"Regulatory Freedom and Control in the New ASEAN Regional Investment Treaties" (2015) 16 Journal of World Investment & Trade 1018 Dianne Desierto Switzerland circa 2015 flag 1
"The Admission of Foreign Investment under the TPP and RCEP: Regulatory Implications for New Zealand" (2015) 16 Journal of World Investment & Trade 1050 Amokura Kawharu Switzerland circa 2015 flag
"The Admission of Foreign Investment under the TPP and RCEP" (2015) 16 Journal of World Investment & Trade 1058 Amokura Kawharu Switzerland circa 2015 flag

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