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[1795] EngR 195; 91 ER 348; (1795) 1 Salk 402
King's Bench
United Kingdom

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Hinde v Gray [1840] EngR 554; 1 Man & G 195; 1 Scott NR 123; 133 ER 302; 9 LJCP 253 Court of Common Pleas United Kingdom circa 1840 CommonLII flag 12
"The Common Law Procedure Acts, 1853 and 1857" [1881] AUColLawMon 1 Pilcher, Charles E Australia circa 1881 AustLII flag
Carter v Shephard [1794] EngR 433 United Kingdom circa 1794 CommonLII flag
Savage v Robury [1794] EngR 1427 United Kingdom circa 1794 CommonLII flag
Bluet, qui tam, &c vers Needs In C B [1792] EngR 313; 92 ER 1189 United Kingdom circa 1792 CommonLII flag
Atwood Against Burr [1796] EngR 658 United Kingdom circa 1796 CommonLII flag
Atwood v Burr [1794] EngR 231 United Kingdom circa 1794 CommonLII flag
Addingson v Oakley [1794] EngR 10 United Kingdom circa 1794 CommonLII flag

Law Journal Articles Referring to this Case

Journal Article Title Citation(s) Author †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
"The Common Law Procedure Acts, 1853 and 1857" [1881] AUColLawMon 1 Pilcher, Charles E Australia circa 1881 AustLII flag

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
115 Comb 76 115 Comb 76 King's Bench United Kingdom flag 1
206 Noy 129 206 Noy 129 King's Bench United Kingdom flag 2
"The Common Law Procedure Acts, 1853 and 1857" [1881] AUColLawMon 1 Pilcher, Charles E Australia circa 1881 AustLII flag
24 Pla 8 24 PLA 8 Australia flag 1
4 Ann 3 4 Ann 3 United Kingdom flag 5
2 CB 14 2 CB 14 1
4 TR 433 4 TR 433 8
Atwood v Burr [1794] EngR 231 United Kingdom circa 1794 CommonLII flag
Savage v Robury [1794] EngR 1427 United Kingdom circa 1794 CommonLII flag
Bluet, qui tam, &c vers Needs In C B [1792] EngR 313; 92 ER 1189 United Kingdom circa 1792 CommonLII flag
Parkinson v Caines [1790] EngR 1338; 100 ER 764; (1790) 3 TR 616 United Kingdom circa 1790 CommonLII flag 3
Carter v Shephard [1794] EngR 433 United Kingdom circa 1794 CommonLII flag
Addingson v Oakley [1794] EngR 10 United Kingdom circa 1794 CommonLII flag
Atwood Against Burr [1796] EngR 658 United Kingdom circa 1796 CommonLII flag

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