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Between George Jackson, Plaintiff; and Sir Charles Forbes, Baronet, Thomas Faulkner Middleton, and Caroline Erskine, his Wife, and George Jackson Jackson, and John Anderson Jackson, Ann Jackson, and Jane Jackson, all Infants out of the Jurisdiction, John Hopton Forbes, Administrator ad litem of Colin Anderson, the Younger, and of Jane Jarvis Anderson, both deceased, Matthew Hole, Administrator of the Plaintiffs deceased Infant Daughter Caroline Anderson, and His Majesty's Attorney-General, Defendants   flag 

[1829] EngR 623
United Kingdom

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name †  Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Allela v AIUlewm 1846 5 Hare 1681 Court of Chancery United Kingdom flag 2
Jerningham v Herbert [1828] EngR 477; 4 Russ 388; 38 ER 851 United Kingdom circa 1828 CommonLII flag 11
Sims v Doughty 5 Ves 247 United Kingdom flag 4
1 Swanst 1631 1 Swanst 1631 United Kingdom flag 1
48 Er 36 48 ER 36 United Kingdom CommonLII flag 1

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