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In The Matter of Hodgson and Ross   flag  5

[1835] EngR 700; 3 A & E 224; 111 ER 398
Queen's Bench
United Kingdom

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Hodkinson v Mayer [1837] EngR 393; 112 ER 73; (1837) 6 A & E 194 Queen's Bench United Kingdom circa 1837 CommonLII flag 2
R v Koops [1837] EngR 396; 112 ER 75; (1837) 6 A & E 198 Queen's Bench United Kingdom circa 1837 CommonLII flag 1
Price v Charles Carter William Carter, Thomas Reginald Kemp, and John Finden [1845] EngR 1004; (1845) 7 QB 838; 115 ER 704 United Kingdom circa 1845 CommonLII flag
Sparling v Brereton [1866] UKLawRpEq 75; (1866) LR 2 Eq 64 United Kingdom 20 Mar 1866 CommonLII flag 3
Hulls v Lea [1847] EngR 709; (1847) 10 QB 940; 116 ER 356 United Kingdom circa 1847 CommonLII flag

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
11 But 1 11 BUT 1 Italy flag 130
Sparling v Brereton [1866] UKLawRpEq 75; (1866) LR 2 Eq 64 United Kingdom 20 Mar 1866 CommonLII flag 3
Hulls v Lea [1847] EngR 709; (1847) 10 QB 940; 116 ER 356 United Kingdom circa 1847 CommonLII flag
61 Ad 978 61 AD 978 2
Price v Charles Carter William Carter, Thomas Reginald Kemp, and John Finden [1845] EngR 1004; (1845) 7 QB 838; 115 ER 704 United Kingdom circa 1845 CommonLII flag

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