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Watson v Wilks   flag  2

[1836] EngR 750; 111 ER 1155; (1836) 5 A & E 237
Queen's Bench
United Kingdom

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Reynolds v Blackburn [1837] EngR 803; 112 ER 432; (1837) 7 A & E 161 Queen's Bench United Kingdom circa 1837 CommonLII flag 3
Hartley v Manton [1843] EngR 32; (1843) 5 QB 247; 114 ER 1242 United Kingdom circa 1843 CommonLII flag

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Reynolds v Blackburn [1837] EngR 803; 112 ER 432; (1837) 7 A & E 161 Queen's Bench United Kingdom circa 1837 CommonLII flag 3
9 QB 493 9 QB 493 United Kingdom LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 2
Hartley v Manton [1843] EngR 32; (1843) 5 QB 247; 114 ER 1242 United Kingdom circa 1843 CommonLII flag
8 Rep 67 8 REP 67 Australia flag 11

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