28 Beav 38
28 Beav 38
Rolls Court
United Kingdom
27 LJCh 623; 4 Jur NS 734; 6 WR 7421
27 LJCh 623; 4 Jur NS 734; 6 WR 7421
Court of Chancery
United Kingdom
27 LJCh 381; 3 Jur NS 11911
27 LJCh 381; 3 Jur NS 11911
Court of Chancery
United Kingdom
27 LJCh 199; 4 Jur NS 151; 6 WR 238
27 LJCh 199; 4 Jur NS 151; 6 WR 238
Court of Chancery
United Kingdom
In the Matter of Ilminster Free School And In the Matter of The Charitable Trusts Act, 1853; and In the Matter of The Charitable Trusts Amendment Act, 1855; and In the Matter of The Trustee Act, 1850
[1858] EngR 707; 44 ER 1097; (1858) 2 De G & J 535
Court of Chancery
United Kingdom
circa 1858
18 Beav 985
18 Beav 985
Rolls Court
United Kingdom
Attorney-Gsncral v The Sherbmnc Ckamwinar School
18 Beav 364
Rolls Court
United Kingdom