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John Martin Andrew Proudfit and John Keefe v William H Thomas and Robert a Baker Administrators of Major J Thomas Deceased Use of George T Rogers   flag 

65 US 315; 16 L Ed 689
United States Supreme Court
United States
1st December, 1860

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Oneale v Long 8 US 60; 4 Cranch 60 United States Supreme Court United States 1 Feb 1807 WorldLII flag 2
Miller v Stuart 9 Wheat 702 United States flag 3
9 Cranch 35 9 Cranch 35 United States flag 1
6 Mass 521 6 Mass 521 United States - Massachusetts flag 1
1 Wend 659; 10 Conn 192; 18 Pick 172; 5 Mass 538 1 Wend 659; 10 Conn 192; 18 Pick 172; 5 Mass 538 United States - New York flag 1

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