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Sayers v Collyer   flag  32

[1884] UKLawRpCh 232; (1884) 28 Ch D 103; 19 WR 798
Court of Chancery
United Kingdom
8th November, 1884

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text †  Citation Index
Fuller v Albert (No 3) [2021] NSWCA 226 Supreme Court of New South Wales - Court of Appeal Australia - New South Wales 23 Sep 2021 AustLII flag 1
Wentworth v Woollahra Municipal Council [1982] HCA 41; (1982) 149 CLR 672; (1982) 42 ALR 69; (1982) 56 ALJR 745; (1982) 51 LGRA 212; [1982] ANZ Conv R 530 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 28 Oct 1982 AustLII flag 309
Mudge v Attorney-General (Vic) [1960] VicRp 8; [1960] VR 43 Australia - Victoria 14 Apr 1959 AustLII flag 6
Greater Sydney Development Association Ltd v Rivett [1929] NSWStRp 32; (1929) 46 WN (NSW) 99; (1929) 29 SR (NSW) 356 Supreme Court of New South Wales Australia - New South Wales 17 May 1929 AustLII flag 5
Holden v Black [1905] VicLawRp 22; [1905] VLR 326; 26 ALT 205 Australia - Victoria 7 Apr 1905 AustLII flag 1
Toogood v Mills [1896] VicLawRp 129; (1896) 23 VLR 106 Australia - Victoria 15 Dec 1896 AustLII flag
H559 Fox v Coughlan [2015] IEHC 559 High Court of Ireland Republic of Ireland 14 Aug 2015 BAILII flag
Girls Day School Trust (1872) v Skipton House [2001] EWLands LP_19_1999 England and Wales Lands Tribunal United Kingdom - England and Wales 23 Nov 2001 BAILII flag
Marcello Developments Ltd, Re [2001] EWLands LP_31_2000 England and Wales Lands Tribunal United Kingdom - England and Wales 30 Mar 2001 BAILII flag
Marcello Developments Ltd, Re [2001] EWLands LP_18_1999 England and Wales Lands Tribunal United Kingdom - England and Wales 30 Mar 2001 BAILII flag 1
Gafford v Graham [1998] EWCA Civ 666; (1999) 77 P & CR 73; [1999] 3 EGLR 75 England and Wales Court of Appeal - Civil Division United Kingdom - England and Wales 8 Apr 1998 BAILII flag 19
Teresa Bradley, Personal Representative of The Estate of Kenneth Wilbert Bradley (deceased) / Albert Owen Bradley/ Norman Anthony Bradley / and Louis Raymond Bradley v Myrtle Belisle - Action [2000] BZSC 35 Belize Supreme Court Belize 13 Apr 2000 CommonLII flag
Mayner v Payne [1914] UKLawRpCh 83; [1914] 2 Ch 555 Court of Chancery United Kingdom 26 Jun 1914 CommonLII flag 6
Haynes v Ford [1911] UKLawRpCh 6; (1911) 1 Ch 375; 27 TLR 41G Court of Chancery United Kingdom 17 Jan 1911 CommonLII flag 1
R, In re [1906] UKLawRpCh 36; (1906) 1 Ch 730 Court of Chancery United Kingdom 5 Mar 1906 CommonLII flag 2
Cowper v Laidler [1903] UKLawRpCh 96; [1903] 2 Ch 337 Court of Chancery United Kingdom 19 May 1903 CommonLII flag 8
Savill Brothers, Ltd v Bethell [1902] UKLawRpCh 107; [1902] 2 Ch 523 Court of Chancery United Kingdom 15 May 1902 CommonLII flag 16
Knight v Simmonds [1896] UKLawRpCh 87; [1896] 2 Ch 294 Court of Chancery United Kingdom 11 May 1896 CommonLII flag 8
Knight v Simmonds [1896] UKLawRpCh 29; [1896] 1 Ch 653 Court of Chancery United Kingdom 22 Feb 1896 CommonLII flag 4
Peruvian Guano Co v Dreyfus Brothers & Co [1892] UKLawRpAC 4; [1892] AC 166 United Kingdom 15 Feb 1892 CommonLII flag 22
Mackenzie v Childers [1889] UKLawRpCh 196; (1889) 43 Ch D 265 Court of Chancery United Kingdom 19 Dec 1889 CommonLII flag 17
Busfield, In re; Whaley v Busfield [1886] UKLawRpCh 62; 32 Ch D 123; 55 LJCh 467 Court of Chancery United Kingdom 3 Mar 1886 CommonLII flag 25
Keppell v Bailey [1834] EngR 448; (1834) 2 My & K 517; 39 ER 1042 Court of Chancery United Kingdom circa 1834 CommonLII flag 38
Duke of Bedford v The Trustees of the British Museum [1822] EngR 457; 2 My & K 552; 39 ER 1055 Court of Chancery United Kingdom circa 1822 CommonLII flag 29
[2003] HKCFI 987 (12 November 2003) [2003] HKCFI 987 Hong Kong Court of First Instance Hong Kong 12 Nov 2003 HKLII flag
[1997] HKLdT 12 (28 August 1997) [1997] HKLdT 12 Hong Kong Lands Tribunal Hong Kong 28 Aug 1997 HKLII flag
[1997] Hkcfi 569 (28 August 1997) [1997] HKCFI 569 Hong Kong Court of First Instance Hong Kong 28 Aug 1997 HKLII flag
[1997] HKLdT 14 (28 August 1997) [1997] HKLdT 14 Hong Kong Lands Tribunal Hong Kong 28 Aug 1997 HKLII flag
[1997] Hkcfi 571 (28 August 1997) [1997] HKCFI 571 Hong Kong Court of First Instance Hong Kong 28 Aug 1997 HKLII flag
Secretary For Justice v Li Chi Leung [1998] 1 HKLRD 62; [1998] 1 HKC 112 Hong Kong 28 Aug 1997 HKLII flag 6
[1997] HKCFI 65 (11 February 1997) [1997] HKCFI 65 Hong Kong Court of First Instance Hong Kong 11 Feb 1997 HKLII flag
Lee Hysan Estate Co Ltd v Sky Heart Ltd [1997] HKCFI 854; [1997] 1 HKC 313 Hong Kong Court of First Instance Hong Kong 11 Feb 1997 HKLII flag 4
Sandon Water Works & Light Co v Byron N White Co (1904) 35 SCR 309 Supreme Court of Canada Canada 21 Nov 1904 Supreme Court of Canada flag

Law Journal Articles Referring to this Case

Journal Article Title Citation(s) Author Jurisdiction Date Full Text †  Citation Index
"Change in the Character of a Neighbourhood as a Defence to the Enforcement of Restrictive Convenants by Injunction - A Comparative Study" (1965-1967) 5 Melbourne University Law Review 205 Da Costa, D Mendes Australia circa 1967 AustLII flag

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text †  Citation Index
Lee Hysan Estate Co Ltd v Sky Heart Ltd [1997] HKCFI 854; [1997] 1 HKC 313 Hong Kong Court of First Instance Hong Kong 11 Feb 1997 HKLII flag 4
[1997] HKCFI 65 (11 February 1997) [1997] HKCFI 65 Hong Kong Court of First Instance Hong Kong 11 Feb 1997 HKLII flag
15 Ch D 97 15 Ch D 97 Court of Chancery United Kingdom circa 1997 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 1
3 AC 709 3 AC 709 United Kingdom circa 1997 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 32
Sandon Water Works & Light Co v Byron N White Co (1904) 35 SCR 309 Supreme Court of Canada Canada 21 Nov 1904 Supreme Court of Canada flag
London, Chatham, and Dover Railway v Bull 47 LT 413 United Kingdom circa 1904 flag 1

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