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Hogarth v Walker   flag 

[1900] UKLawRpKQB 104; (1900) 2 QB 283
United Kingdom
29th May, 1900

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Hill v Patten [1807] EngR 250; 8 East 373; 103 ER 386 King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1807 CommonLII flag 12
Gale v Laurie [1826] EngR 216; 5 B & C 156; 108 ER 58; 1 Burr 447 Kings Bench United Kingdom circa 1826 CommonLII flag 19
Robertson v Ewer [1786] EngR 50; (1786) 1 TR 127; 99 ER 1011 United Kingdom circa 1786 CommonLII flag 6
[1899] 2 QB 40j [1899] 2 QB 40J United Kingdom circa 1899 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 1
Brough v Whitmore [1791] EngR 1296; 4 TR 206; 100 ER 976 United Kingdom circa 1791 CommonLII flag 9

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