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Russell (Hamilton) v Commissioners of Inland Revenue   flag  3

[1901] UKLawRpKQB 219; (1902) 1 KB 142
United Kingdom
11th December, 1901

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction †  Date Full Text Citation Index
Commissioner of Stamp Duties v Hopkins [1945] ArgusLawRp 43; (1945) 51 ALR 341 Argus Law Reports Australia 3 Aug 1945 AustLII flag
Commissioner of Stamp Duties (Qld) v Hopkins [1945] HCA 14; (1945) 71 CLR 351; [1945] ALR 341 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 3 Aug 1945 AustLII flag 76
BL & M Grollo Homes Pty Ltd v Comptroller of Stamps (Vic) [1983] VicRp 40; [1983] 1 VR 445; 13 ATR 514 Australia - Victoria 12 Oct 1982 AustLII flag 5

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