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Mr K Ry Umade Rajah Raje Damara Kumara Chinna Venkatappa Nayanim Bahadur Varu v Mr R Ry Umade Rajah Raje Damara Kumara Thimma Nayanim Bahadur Varu   flag 

[1911] AllINRprMad 321
All India Reporter - Madras
6th October, 1911

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction †  Date Full Text Citation Index
(1895) 18 Mad 410 (1895) 18 Mad 410 India circa 1895 flag 4
(1889) 12 Mad 25 (1889) 12 Mad 25 India circa 1889 flag 1
Gopika Bai v Dattatraya (1900) 24 Bom 386 India - Maharashtra circa 1900 flag 5
Subramanian Patter v Vembammal 14 MLJ 339 Malaysia LexisNexis flag 4
(1835) 5 WR 98 (1835) 5 WR 98 United Kingdom circa 1835 flag 2
(1911) 12 Intl Org 817 (1911) 12 Intl Org 817 United States circa 1911 flag 1
[1870] 4 BLR 3 [1870] 4 BLR 3 circa 1870 1

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