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Ritchie's Trustees v M'Donald   flag 

[1915] ScotLR 373
Scottish Law Reporter
United Kingdom - Scotland
20th February, 1915

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
Wharton v Masterman [1895] UKLawRpAC 15; [1894] UKLawRpCh 42; [1895] AC 186; (1894) 2 Ch 184 Court of Chancery United Kingdom 5 Mar 1894 CommonLII flag 68
Countess of Bective,-Appellant; Kirkman D Hodgson ,-Respondents [1864] EngR 292; 10 HLCas 656; 11 ER 1181; 1 H & M 376 House of Lords United Kingdom circa 1864 CommonLII flag 23
23 SLR 830 23 SLR 830 Singapore - Singapore LexisNexis flag 14
1 f 128 1 F 128 11
(1904) 6 f 322 (1904) 6 F 322 circa 1904 4
25 SLR 250 25 SLR 250 Singapore - Singapore LexisNexis flag 4
41 SLR 259 41 SLR 259 Singapore - Singapore LexisNexis flag 3
36 SLR 116 36 SLR 116 Singapore - Singapore LexisNexis flag 2
[1914] SC 403 [1914] SC 403 United Kingdom - Scotland circa 1914 flag 1
(1241) 27 SLR 991 (1241) 27 SLR 991 Singapore - Singapore circa 1241 LexisNexis flag 1
52 SLR 373 52 SLR 373 Singapore - Singapore LexisNexis flag 1

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